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Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
East, TX USA
Rating - 0%
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Picked this sweet thing up today. I went to a flea market, actually tried to get some holiday shopping done, and all I could think about, or seem to find were bikes, bikes, bikes! Saw many, many cool ones, most seemed way overpriced, but I have no idea what brands are what, and what bikes are worth, etc. Some seemed to be great deals but funds are tight right now, so I had to pass on ALL the bikes I wanted, but I did find this bike. I got it because of the frame style and the seat style, etc. I never saw frames like this until I started visiting this site, so I wanted one. The guy selling it said "it's a pre-war bike" that's all he knew, and didn't seem to care. All said and done, I ended up paying $55 for it - maybe coudl have gotten cheaper, but I am a horrible haggler.





The head badge says:

Hardware Co.
St. Louis

Anyways, it is a cool frame (to me), and it's a skip-tooth sprocket or whatever you call it. Wheels, brake, sprocket/pedals.

But get this, the cranks turn smooth, the rims are not bent, the forks, both wheels and everything still turn smooth as butter, and this is no exageration. It is rock solid mechanically, going to clean it up and put tires on it tomorow.

I can't seem to find much online about this bike, so if you know anything I would love to know just cuz I'm curious

I am now ready for my next build! Cheers & Happy Holidays!
I can offer no information, just opinion, very cool! Please post more pics of the chain guard and sprocket. Not a bad deal seeing she's solid. How are the spokes and wheels as far as rust goes?
nice find! looks like the rollfast I sold to "The Duke"" so its probably a rollfast made frame badged for the store in St Louis
Super Happy Me. I started washing it, and paint started coming off, it was red, then it was black - both coats look like they were painted with a brush. I cleaned it up, went over everyting with oil and fine steel wool, little grease, and light brush to knock off the chipping paint a little.

What I discovered was the rims are not same style, If you know which is right, I'd love to know! Same for fenders, one is smooth, the other (back) has a beveled groove in it. Both rims, and frame had had several coast of paint on them, and if the rims & fenders were missmatched, it was done a long time ago cuzz the paint (silver/black red) "levels" match on all parts.

Both rims say : "New Departure Co., WI."
Old Tires read: "York Flyer, Carlisle Tire RuberDIvision" (with cool little Indian heads): but tires were trashed, I had these old whitewalls, left over after Crodhopper Build so put them on, Back tube was A-OK, still held air!

Seat springs are not so good, I mean they work, but I had to take them off, and re-spead them, I think they will squish again as my big butt sits on them.

The book rack thingy seems stainless, but not sure.

Vale caps match and are old metal caps - love those.

Here are pics of cleaned up bike, it rides GREAT but seat is "wiggly" still. I am really happy with my find simply because it's not rusted, it's old as heck, and everything works! It's rideable, clean, and ready to rumble! Not going to "chop" it. I Be One Happy Camper - Cheers, T.




:shock: :shock: :shock:
you are sooooooooooo lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you ever want to sell that PLEASE let me know!!!!
That sprocket is baddass! Use a magnet to check the rack. Stainless isn't magnetic. At least the higher grade stuff isn't. I'm no expert at wheel hubs but I've never seen a single speed with an oiler cap. Then again theres alot of things I've never seen. I've never seen a horse fly, or a tree bark for that matter.
I'm a sheet meatal fabricator and I was always TOLD that to verify S.S. in flat sheet or slightly worked form (duct work, exhaust hoods, basically flat sheets with bends) that I should use a magnet. I also heard that 304 and lower grade stuff was iffy where as 316 and higher grade wasn't. We almost always used 316 becuase I was TOLD that it stood up to corrosion from caustic enviroments better. so I guess that would kinda make sense. But there were also times when my boss made absolutely no sense and I'm just a trade skuul gradjuit. And to this day I still haven't seen a horse fly. :D :roll: I'm havin' fun with the smileys today!
Hey hey, very cool & unexpeced nuggets of stainless info! I heard about the magnet trick, and I put all bolts, nuts & washers that are non magnetic in a special box - they shine up so nice! Thank for the info!
I remember one time I was cleaning the inside of a motorcycle gas tank I needed to weld with a Simple Green and water mixture.I threw some 1/2" nuts inside to slosh around and get a scrubbing action. I realized they were S.S. when I tried to use my magnet on a stick to fish them out. DOHHH!!! Sometimes I'm my own worst enemy.

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