Shipping issues, need some opinions and help

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Oct 29, 2011
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State College, PA
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I just sold a bike and shipped it to the buyer and he is unhappy that I shipped it disassembled, this totally throws me off, to me there is no other way to efficently and affordably ship a bike. I don't know how to respond, anybody else ever run into this complaint? This isn't the first bike I've shipped, I've sold and shipped quite a few bikes and never had this issue. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
~15yrs ago used to ship bikes via Amtrak. They sold a box for ~$20, roll it right in with handlebars and pedals removed.
Worked great, never any damage. Shipped some $$$$$ bikes that way. Only thing is you must drop off at and buyer must p/u from closest station.
Back when all this internet started I had people bring bikes in for assembly.
They thought "some assembly required," meant they'd have to install grips....
They were really mad about the $25.00 fee for assemble-tune their new great deal.
Got to be clueless to think a bike can be shipped whole. Unfortunately the EBay resolution solvers will probably side with the buyer like they always do. Ask him how he would like to have it shipped and then ask him to get a quote. Maybe he will figure it out. Way I figure the average UPS truck could hold 4 bikes, assembled. Should be worth close to 10K to ship that way.
Thanks for the input, at least this reassures me that I'm not crazy or clueless. He hasn't started a case against me as of yet and I hope to find a resolution or talk some sense into him with out it going that far
I would be mortified if a bike was shipped to me whole? :shock: The amount of damage would be crazy...
I have had 2 bikes shipped inside 1 bike box,at first I thought oh know!!! Then relized it was better,less movement. :D
I've had that happen to be with a sale on Ebay as well. In my case, it was a shakedown whereby the buyer was obviously trying to discount the sale once he had the bike in hand. He wanted $70 to have it assembled (front wheel, seat, handlebars). The only option I gave him was to ship it back as per Ebay's buyer Protection rules. He kept it without further complaint. Good luck.
Good luck, Ebay's new buyer protection is set up only with the buyer in mind. I think its unreasonable for anyone to assume a bicycle can be shipped assembled. I stopped selling bicycles on ebay after shipping a road bike to alaska, (losing 50 on shipping) then the buyer claimed the fork was damaged during shipping, No big deal I bought insurance on it right? Wrong the buyer refused to go through UPS insurance because it was my fault for shipping the bike disassembled and going through UPS insurance would unfairly raise shipping rates........ (face palm) :roll:

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