Short notice for the Tour

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May 15, 2007
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Anybody going to the FORT COLLINS tour De Fat? were leaving thursday morning for colorado. i'll be riding Woodies pub and pool hall ! build off 3 bike.
If your going leave me info so we can have a RATRODBIKES group.
Hope to see and meet some Members.
thanks, we will and miss you and nova there!!
do you know if dan and lora are going?
we'll seeya at your bike fest and theres still austin, just a thought.
Oh Yea, we be there. I'll be "Rocket Man Dan" on the Starliner, my RRBBO4 bike. Lora will be a more mature "Pippy Long Stockings" on her old green Western Flyer. Should be fun. At least 5 other Coasters BC people will be there, too. I want to start the day at about the same location as last year, up close to the brewery. See you There.
cant wait dan, were leaving tomorrow morning. "thursday".seeya there

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