i almost ordered those pedals. i ended up gettin some rat traps instead.

slacker said:Umm... Best cheap beer? Pabst ain't even in the ballpark, imo.
Huber Bock.
agreedcman said:nice cycletruck.
blacksheep said:Old thread but great topic. 8)
Yeah, I know we didn't build 'em, but they ARE beer bikes.
My 2009 Schwinn Fat Tire
And my dad's 2006 Electra Fat Tire
dangratsdan said:Its a Felt delivery, don't know if I should do this, but here is a picture.
dangratsdan said:Wish I had a Fat Tire Beer bike. Not having one and knowing the chances of me ever owning one was slim, is what motivated me to build my own beer bike. And to think some families have more than one, lucky you and lucky dadblacksheep said:Old thread but great topic. 8)
Yeah, I know we didn't build 'em, but they ARE beer bikes.
My 2009 Schwinn Fat Tire
And my dad's 2006 Electra Fat Tire
I signed up many times to win a 2009 but I didn't win.
BUT, the Friday before Tour De Fat, we took a tour of New Belgium Brewery, wish I worked there, and they showed us the 2010 Fat Tire Beer bike, and I want one.
Its a Felt delivery, don't know if I should do this, but here is a picture.
Both just for show in Eureka Springs Arkansas.cman said:I always thought someone should start a organization to "Save the Beer Bikes". What good are they hanging from the ceiling as a decoration :wink: