Show Us Your BUILD OFF BIKES In Action!

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Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

FunkyStickman said:
Love this thread! Keep 'em coming!

You heard the man! :wink:

Riding Build Off 4 bike





BTW dates are wrong in photos would have been September of 2009 :roll:
Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

Hey Skipton,

It's cool you kept all your BObikes together and still ride them!!

Since you have me a disadvantage of one Build Off
I'm going to cheat a bit

Some people might remember I switched gears with Hot Rod Liner
Well, this is my wife riding Rev1 now built again with the 2nd frame
So how's that? :lol:
I just got it done yesterday
We rode both Liners to the Mpls Messaround today
Lots of fun!

Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

Some mural pics for MplsCoaster :roll: :wink:


And a couple just for fun

Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

MplsCoaster, Spaceliner looks great! :D

Xc204, looks like you work at a bomb shelter :wink:

Coon, those are some cool bikes! love the chopper :D

Tibor, this bike is just sick great job!.... Got to get me one of those forks 8)


Badmuller great video! Does anyone in Europe have a ugly bike? :roll: :wink:

Great job on both of these bikes!

Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

Hey Skipton,

Thanks for the Mural shots! 8)
The beach shots look awe some too. :D

Cool pics from Europe showing up!
Glad to see it's an international passion.

I went for a moonlit ride last night in Mpls
This is the Stone Arch bridge (1883) over the Upper Mississippi River
Looking east


Here's another looking at the new Guthrie Theater


Thanks for looking
Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

MplsCoaster, Great night photos!


Forgot I had these From December on Blue-X

How do you like my outfit? :roll:
Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

Here are some photos of BEER RUN from the Savannah Craft Brew Fest.

I let them display it in exchange for free entry and free beer!!!!!!!







Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

And later that night after "tasting" beer all day, so I didn't mind wearing a goofy costume for the Savannah Bicycle Campaign Midnight Garden Ride fundraiser.

Okay, I wasn't sure if I was going to post these photos, but what the heck. Just remember that I had been drinking free beer all day at the Brew Fest before I put on this costume. Here are some photos that people took of me at the Savannah Bicycle Campaign Midnight Garden Ride. I won $100 for best lighting and $100 for best individual costume. Still trying to decide if it was worth $100 to look this goofy.

Go ahead, laugh at my expense!!! :p :p

Here, I am actually being interviewed by a Swedish girl for a Swedish magazine. I might be in it come October. It was all about the bicyle, but you can tell in the other photos that the other costumed cyclists were looking on in envy.

Here are the lights (I am quite proud how well they looked).


Here are some of the costumes and a glimpse of my in my silly beer mug helmut. Look at how envious all of the other non-interviewed contestants are of my bike. Every single one of them is staring at me.


And finally here is one goofy dude next to his ultimate beer bike (and cash cow)!!! Let the laughing and jokes and ribbing start!!!
Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

MplsCoaster said:
Awesome Beer Run Pics Kingfish :D
Looks like a lot of crazy fun!!

That day and night were a blast!!!!! BEER RUN was a star at both events. Hard to believe I was given free GOOD beer (for 5 hours) and $200 (that night) to have that much fun with my bike.

If anyone is a dark beer drinker, find yourself some Southern Tier Creme Brulee Stout! It is like drinking 9.6% desert.
Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

Hey Guys,

My wife and me went of the MN Antique & Classic Fall Ride last Sunday.
My wife had her Hawthorne and I had the HRLiner
Lots of cool bikes and nice people
I'll post more pics on the Events Forum
Only one action shot but a couple other "implied" action shots

This shot was a bit accidental but I think it works
Cool Fender ornament!


Here is our bikes on the same bridge as the night shots above
This is looking west towards St Anthony Falls and downtown Mpls


Here is the action shot with our friends on the way home


It was good to see more locals getting the RRB bug :D

Thanks for looking
Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

Hey Everbody,

Rode several times today
No actual action shots but its implied
This one is from 7am when I saw a great sunrise and tried to get the light
It didn't work out so well but it shows some of the colors by the Mississippi


Another record high temp today ~85 (in Oct?!)
My wife and me rode the lakes
This was on Lake Harriet
The sun was spotty so just luck for this one
It's not a dramatic Lake Michigan pic :lol: but it still was nice


Here is Lake of the Isles with my wife's Hawthorne and downtown Mpls


What a great day and date :D

Thanks for looking
Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

LOL MplsCoaster :wink:
Love the fall color shots! Spaceliner and the wife's bike are COOL!

Some pics of Lake Michigan when it's windy





Whom else has Build Off Bike pics!?
Re: Show Us Your RRBO Bikes In Action!

MplsCoaster said:
This was on Lake Harriet
The sun was spotty so just luck for this one
It's not a dramatic Lake Michigan :lol: but it still was nice


Still one of my favourites from the last build-off! And what a great shot of it!
Hey Hammond Eggz,

Thanks a lot for the compliment :D :D
Glad your enjoying the bike and pics.

How is the Black Tie-phoon riding these days?
It looked so classy and stylin' plus a "real rider" type bike.
Please post some pics

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