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Another squirrel holiday…



Look at that fat little tummy.
I love the big ears. Dogs need big ears.

I’m looking at that last picture I posted of Charlie and he might turn out to be a mommy. I’m not sure what the gestation cycle of a squirrel is like.

I am still trying to get these Oscars to breed, but at 9” and 10” they are still not old enough. I heard they must be 18 mos.


The tiny Corydoras catfish. These guys are little clowns. We recently lost one after almost 8 years.

This is why a 12” Oscar won’t eat a 2” Corydoras. They are not modern scaly fish. They wear armor.

The entire fish is covered in “leather” over spikes and bone plates.

Only the fins & belly are cartilage.


This is full-on ancient dinosaur stuff, just like the plecostomus.

No scales like a trout or bass. Just leather hide over bones and spikes.
This is Ollie on his 15th birthday a few dyas ago. He's doing great for 15! We got him at 8 years old and the vet told us a dog like him had a 10-12 year life expectancy. Way to beat the odds little guy!

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That's because Ollie lives in a house full of love. :heart:
Little Izzy is almost 20 years old now, but she nearly didn’t make it to her second birthday.

My boss came to work one morning, and found that this stray cat rode under the hood of his truck, up freeway 41, over 20 miles from Easton to North Fresno.

As we rescued it, he said,“I thought I heard a cat when I went out to get in the truck this morning.“

I was riding the Kawasaki so I wasn’t prepared to bring her home even in the saddle bag. I called my wife and she drove across town to get her.

Izzy was injured from the experience.

I thought that her pelvis was damaged and we would have to put her down, but she recovered well enough to go on all these years.

Before we got a dog, this cat would growl at any strangers that came to our front door.

Even at her age she still comes out every day to patrol the boat yard and the garden.
Lennie the squirrel came back today and she was acting a bit strange. I practically walked right up to her, and I was only 2 1/2 feet away when I took these pictures of her on the ground.

No, Lennie is acting very strange. I am talking to her and she is looking at me I am taking her picture and she seems to be much more interested in whatever she’s chewing on.


After a minute she finished her chewing and zoom!! . . . up into the tree.


. . Where she starts chewing on this soft moldy bark. Could this be like ergot?

“Dude! Can’t you see you’re chilling my buzz man? Just go away!.”

Guys, this squirrel was Trippin. We’re talking Timothy Leary wasted here . . .

I thought that she had had enough so I started talking to her more loudly which did the trick.

a neighborhood feral abandoned this little cutey on our property at two days old. Kids named her Willow. Here she is at 8 days old. She had just opened her first eye. It's been fun nursing her. Today she's 12 days old.



All my fish are doing well, but I am sad to report that little Izzy has passed away at the age of 20. She was our second oldest cat ever.

She was a tiny cat, our smallest ever.

But she was brave and loyal, and would growl at strangers who came to our door.

She will be missed.

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