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thanks. It looks to be a Nottingham buit 1980 model. I havent had time to really clean it up, thats how it looked when I got it home. From the overall condition, it looks like whoever bought it took it home from the shop and parked it. Even the cables are original and in new condition. The tires are going to go but other than that I plan to detail it and enjoy it
Proberly spot on about the year gotta take what you can get! just think, youll find more and want to keep those too!

Heres the Lenton as it sat when I got it, rode it home to after fixing a flat
Opposit here, schwinn aint canadian so you hardly see them here, I have two but they are harder to find
Gotta get me a hunch back raleigh. Also! heres some other bikes and update of some

This Sports is a very lovely ride, rides like a dream and is verly lovely looking.

I got this Raleigh rod brake bike, it's a 70's Dl-1. It's a very large bike, it's got the biggest 28" wheels that police used and a large frame, dispite the size i can still ride it and it's a dream to ride, needs rims though and pads lol

Just finishing this one up. it's a 60's Lenton sports, it was a 10 speed racing bike but I really didn't like the ride, looks much better this way. lol

Raleigh Colt from 60's awesome pain bad chrome

1949 Raleigh sports, looks like it was hit by a car at somepoint in it's life, still rideable though, sadly it's a parts bike because my 39 raleigh needs parts and these actualy fit and are same kind.

ANd finally my Twenty. I love this bike, it's fun to ride.
I will throw my latest up :? that didn't sound right,, anyways 79 mixtie, I am sure the stickers say something else but I just put new bar tape on ,makes a world of difference and I need a rear tire to match the front, since it has the original tires on it, hopefully I can get updated pics soon.


This is my '72 Grand Prix.




I got it a few months ago, a local craigslist find. I cleaned it up, had the wheels trued, put new tires and pedals on it (it had cheap plastic BMX-style pedals on it). The paint, decals, & bar tape are original. I also ditched the suicide levers, a rusty rear carrier that was on it, and a vintage Cateye light that was mounted to the left seat stay (I kept it though). Then, readjusting everything and adding the saddle bag and modern LED lights brought me to what you see here. Sorry for the crappy pictures, for some reason, I haven't taken any of it outside in the daylight. These are in my basement shop. This bike is essentially my primary rider; when I'm riding to run errands or exercise, etc, I ride this bike. Most of my Schwinns are riden more for the novelty of it more than anything else. Having an actual road bike allows me to use my mountain bike as a mountain bike rather than a commuter, which I was doing before picking this up.
My Raleighs and other British bikes

1955 Raleigh Sports. Dynamo hub with battery backup, original paint, pump, toolbag, seat, and lighting system. Im trying to find an original taillight for it. An entire album for this bike is at: ... f2c878f5fe

1978 Raleigh Tourist DL-1 Roadster. 3-Speed Sturmey archer 28 inch wheels with rod brakes. I am in search of an original seat and pump for it. an entire album for this bike is at: ... 40#photo=1

1985 Raleigh Team USA Road bike. Reynolds 555 tubing. This bike is now 100% original with the correct seat not shown in this picture and even the original tires. I need some new shots of it.

This is another 1985 Raleigh Team USA bike. The Chrome fork came on the later models when the blue with stars fork was unavailable and Raleigh needed to get the bikes shipped. I haven't done anthing with it.

This is a Gazelle Cheetah. Im in search of a correct generator for it. Tubes have very rare woods valves.

This is an old Sunbeam I rescued from the weeds. I have started restoring it but it had to be put in storage for a while. I almost sold it and glad I didn't.
Nice Raleighs, That first sport is pretty nice, are those replaced wheels? I didn't think the older ones had that type of rim, all the raleighs i've seen from around that age and to me 1939 sports where the thin lame looking ones lol. the Dl-1 is in good condition. it looks kinda like the one I go but mine is massive, what size 28' wheels goes it have? on mine they where the big police type, dispite being 5'8 and the frame being like 26' I can still ride it perfect somehow, rides like a dream, needs new rims and pads though but I got some brand new ones for free from a friend. gonna build dyno hub into the front one. Dynohubs are a must have!
I've got a old possibly late 50s hercules, It was the first new bike my grandfather ever bought and he rode it up until 1975! Its got a miller hedlight with a generator. Any info on this would be great, Plan on keeping it for obvious sentimental reasons. Shifts great and all I had to do was air up the tires! Gonna grease the bearings before I get it back out this summer though!




That's a Hercules made Hercules, probably says Birmingham England on the head badge. Raleigh bought them about 1960, so that would date it in the 50's or earlier. The rear hub should have a 2 digit year stamped on the shell. The shifter says Hercumatic? Nice good quality bike.
All I found was sturmy type(two letters I cant remember off the top of my head) and then 5 with a good finger or two of space with between it and the type. Does that mean its a 1950? Shifter also says sturmy!