Graham, this bike fits you perfectly! It has really come together nicely. I would steer clear (pun intended) of using too modern of a fork. It has such a nice vintage vibe to it now. Agreed on the 3" beach bum....but why stop at the rear only? Mo fatta, mo betta! Unless you want more of that dragster look, with the skinnier front. Now just add some rust to the frame and you'd have the perfect rat bike! Is the blue staying, or do you have paint / patina plans as well?I'm pretty pleased with how she's coming along!
I've given some thought to a bagger style look, or I have some 2.3 and 2.5 nobbies, or even a front shock..
Fenders are usually a right pita for me.
The big tires make a huge amount of noise, and may very well destroy any handling it has!
I'm concerned about a schwinn style springer looking too generic,Macargi much?( and I don't have one)
I do have a Monark and Girvin forks, but I think the Girvin may be too modern, might try the Monark today..
Debating a 3" Beach Bum rear tire, only $18 shipped on ebay right now!
Thanks for all the encouragement!
Good call, my apologies.Been in mild shock after a post Sunny side up incident when both rack and bikes went flying off the car...
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