+Well after some discussion with the experts
I am afraid the forks on this bike are way to week for the abuse I will give them.
I also now realize that they and some of the other parts will be far better suited in someone else hands for restoration work. (as long as the financials can be worked out :wink: ) The frame however will be mine! Yes mine all mine :mrgreen: I will most likely reinforce the frame and use a Monarch Repo Springer. I feel after I make the weld repairs as detailed by sportscarpat I will have a far more suitable front end. I need to again thank all the fine folks who took the time to respond. I warned you in the beginning I was doing this on a very low budget and I am shooting from the hip. So major change is to be expected . I most likely will make the bike shiny now also :? though the distressed look cannot be ruled out.
