Sister Act

Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Dec 27, 2006
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I bought a 3 speed comfort bike last week (named him Trey) and then sure enough I was cruisin CL today and found someone who was selling his twin sister, Brittany.

I don't know if my wife will like or ride her, but I figured if having one of them was good, having 2 would be much better. (yeah, that's a guys logic).

Here's a shot of Trey ....


And here's one of his twin sister, Brittany ....


And here is a shot of the happily reunited family ....


Then to top it off, I ran across someone else on CL who has the 10 speed men's version for sale - like the one Markm owns. I decided that a family of two was probably big enough, though, so I quelched the urge to send that guy an offer on the 10 speed.

I guess having a garage full of maroon Free Spirit bikes could be interesting, though.
Wow! I think I better get them cleaned up and out on Ebay! :lol:

Mine are 3 speeds, so even better than the ones they are selling - and in better shape too.

Shipping charges of $80 a bike sounds steep, but I guess it's whatever the market is willing to pay.

I need to get my two cleaned up, some new tires on them, and then use them for a while. It could be fun going for rides on two that match. So I will probably be hanging on to them for a bit.

What are the odds of finding an identical mens version, a ladies version, and even a 10 speed mens version for sale in the same area within a weeks time.
Yeah, I knew that was crazy for those bikes. I noticed that the bidder was anonymous and I can see why. :lol:

I'm surprised someone would even list them for that high of a starting price but I guess you don't know until you ask.

If the bidder pays then the seller really got lucky on that deal.
Hooch, I just checked out that Ebay ad again and it ended with only the one buyer bidding .... no surprise.

If you click on the buyer's feedback, though, you will see that he bought several vintage bikes recently.

So it looks like he has plenty of money to throw at bike purchases, that's for sure! :D

Looks like someone a person might want to contact if they have something old to sell.

Rat Rod - maybe you should drop him an e-mail on some of your bikes!

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