Sitting in the dentist office...

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I build stuff.
Jul 1, 2010
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Roanoke Rapids, NC
Rating - 100%
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I'm sitting in the dentist office waiting to have 2 cavities filled. Last week on Thursday I was in here for my first dentist visit in 14 years. I think 2 cavities after 14 years of no "professional" care isn't horrible. We just didn't have the money for visits or insurance entail insurance till recently, but we have been takin care of our kid's dental needs.

Things were so different at my visit last week than what I remember 14 years earlier, so I hope these fillings go well. :(
Ok, the doc just numbed me up, not bad, like I remember as a kid, the shots in the mouth never bothered me, but they taste bad. He did however put a topical numbing on before the shots, and that's new to me.

Tingly numb tongue feels numb... and huge!

Why am I in here alone?
GOOD LUCK!!!!!! I had military dentists for a while, and they didn't care if you were comfortable or not.
Things went just fine, still have that super numb mouth, trying not to drool. Like I said, I hadn't been to the dentist for about 14 years, but that takes me to 22 years old, before that I hadn't had any cavities filled since probably elementary school, so I really didn't have any good memories to compare.

I was perfectly comfortable, once when he was grinding or whatever I caught a smell of my tooth, like a smell if you were grinding something with a Dremel tool, it caught me off guard and I made a face and he quickly withdrew and asked if I was alright... yep.

It was cold and loud.

Walking out was the most interesting thing, "No charge" they said, and I cruised past the billing counter without stopping... odd.
about 10 years ago i had my wisdom teeth cut out, it was a horible experience.ever wake up in the middle of your surgury? not cool! then the bleeding wouldnt stop after i came home. i bled till i got to dizzy to sit up on the bed. my wife, 8 months pregnant at the time, kept calling their office, they told her to calm down. :roll: they said if it didnt stop in another hour, bring me back and they would give me some kinda shot to stop the bleeding (why in the name of everything thats holy didnt they give me that beloved shot before i left there?). it finally stopped bleeding, but the whole thing almost put my wife into preterm labor. anyway, the moral of the story for you younguns out there, dont wait till youre 30 to get wisdom teeth out. its much better to do it when youre younger.
Had mine out at 18 with no issues, I still have them and bring them out to show my youth before they have theirs out just to show them how huge they are.
X-RAY said:
about 10 years ago i had my wisdom teeth cut out, it was a horible experience.ever wake up in the middle of your surgury? not cool! then the bleeding wouldnt stop after i came home. i bled till i got to dizzy to sit up on the bed. my wife, 8 months pregnant at the time, kept calling their office, they told her to calm down. :roll: they said if it didnt stop in another hour, bring me back and they would give me some kinda shot to stop the bleeding (why in the name of everything thats holy didnt they give me that beloved shot before i left there?). it finally stopped bleeding, but the whole thing almost put my wife into preterm labor. anyway, the moral of the story for you younguns out there, dont wait till youre 30 to get wisdom teeth out. its much better to do it when youre younger.

I had mine out at 35, shoulda done it way earlier. 1 impacted wisdom killed a molar, it actually cracked in half when pulling the wisdom tooth, so bye bye. But wasnt put under, took a valium a bit before the visit, and just novacaine. Wasnt to bad, not fun, but not painfull. Sounds were gross, all the crunching and cracking, yuck.
2 of mine came in just fine, the other 2 seemed to be coming in fine but the x-ray showed that one was coming in perpendicular to the rest of the teeth and would have pushed all the other teeth over, so they all had to come out, the sideways one had to be busted out, I have all the pieces.

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