Well about 2 1/2 years ago I bought this Chinese Schwinn DeLuxe Cruiser frame N.O.S. w/bare metal tank CHEAP! Took it home, primered the tank and hung it up pondering the possibilities of a future build. mos. later @ the Tucson swap meet I find a pair of used (not abused) Centenial phantom fenders minus the rear reflector for $40.00!!!!! :shock: This made the decision a little clearer as to what direction it would go now.Well after all this time, and a part here and a part there this is where I am at. I was bored and decided to pull all the parts from teir many places in my lil ol shed and do a mock-up to see where I am at at this point in the hunting and gathering stage! I give you my Phony phantom as it is now! :mrgreen: SO, wadda ya think? :wink: Latr & PEACE !!!!!