Snooty Rat Rodders??

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In a toyota :lol: , one of my favorite cars is as you can tell because of my Murray cruiser Christine bike build is the 1958 Plymouth but if you here it has a 350 then it's not a big deal because Chrysler made a 350 big block for 58 that was the first of many Golden Commando engines.
SSG said:
Perceived quality and the emotional response to a brand name is everywhere. Companies spend millions each year to support these images. It effects many things in your life. The clothes you wear, the car you drive, store brand toilet paper, or name brand. You might not even notice it. Brand name is so important that some companies buy old brand names in hopes of assuming their reputation, rather than spend many years building their own. Here's a little story about a fake but average American bicycle brand.

Brand X was established in 1890. They sold a million bikes by 1905. The built up a good reputation for quality which helped them survive the great depression. In the 70's people wanted a different kind of bike. In order to make these new models competitively priced cheap components were used. Cheap imported bikes started to flood the market, once again quality took a hit to keep prices low enough to compete. In the end they went bankrupt, they were bought out and production was resumed in Asia. Do they have the same reputation for high quality as they did then? No. Are their $80 2011 model bikes as nice as the models they made in the 1930's? Probably not. That doesn't mean they aren't functional bikes. Plenty of people ride and enjoy them.

Make no mistake though "X mart" bikes represent the lower end of the quality spectrum. Someone had to build a bike, ship it half way around the world, add a small retailer markup and sell it for $80. There are single components you couldn't buy for that price. Some corners had to be cut.

As far as bikes go, this is probably the most open bicycle forum on the web. You've got people building "X mart" bikes, and people building $1200 1930's classics. I've never seen any "low end" hate, although some people may speak their minds about the quality aspect. It all comes down to opinions. Everyone has one, don't take it personally.

Very nicely stated.
I like all makes and styles of bikes. Some more than others, but all bikes in general. My favorites are true customized bikes. So here's where my snootyness begins .... The bikes I really appreciate are the ones that immediately stand out because of their presence, not the type that someone changed a gear on or just swapped goosenecks. Money spent don't cut it in my mind, you have to prove that you made it yours and just didn't go out and spend more money than the next guy.

And here's my BIG snootyness .... When bicycles are motorized (electric or gas). It's not that I don't appreciate the time and effort that's put into them, because I do! It's because in my mind they are no longer bicycles, plain and simple/right or wrong, that's just my way of thinking. It may or may not change in time but I will probably be thinking this way for along time. I really admire motorized bikes and plan on building a couple for Gigs and me, but I will probably never ride them on "bicycle rides" unless my health deteriorates and that is my only option.

And I really hate seeing flyers, ads or invites to bike shows or rides that are actually motocycle events! I come from a strong motorcycle childhood and as a bicyclist and motorcyclist, I am usually put off by the term "bike" being used to describe an actual motorcycle event. It's o.k. to use when your within your group but for the general public or to describe an event, it gets confusing and usually causes resentment. We've had a few motocycles pull up to our events and then cop an attitude because a bunch of bicycles "isn't a bike event". HUH!?
I usually offer to pull their engines and weld in some pedals. They usually have no sense of humor.
It's not what you ride it's how you ride it! :D

When i was like 10, my neighbor got a chrome Redline for Christmas, I got a Huffy Thunderbolt. He loved to rub it in too. I still remember that.

In high school bike racing I was up against guys on custom built Italian Road bikes and I was on an off the floor $ 500 Bianchi but I held my own. And Greg LeMond could probably stomp us all on a Huffy Thunderbolt!

While mountain biking a few summers ago a guy looks at my Rhygin and says "that cant be a good bike, I've never heard of it". :shock: Ok buddy, I guess handbuilt bikes are sub-par when compared to what exactly? If it said Indepent Fabrication on the downtube it would be cooler or "better".

I never thought I would be psyched to own another Huffy, but my 1898 Dayton is one of my favorites! And would I throw away a twinflex, probably not.

Consider this, bikes for the most part are metal and plastic and nuts and bolts.

Maybe some of those department store Huffy's are made from melted down Italian roadbikes and Chrome Redlines 8)
I am so out of the loop when it comes to bikes... I see all kinds of posts on this sight that someone got a new Huffy BLAH BLAH, or a Schwinn BLAH, or a BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. I am ignorant when it comes to the names and the quality behind them. I don't really care that I am either. Because this actually makes it impossible for me to have snootiness. All I care about is the before pictures to see what you started with. And the After pictures to see what you finished with. I love seeing people's individual style come out in a bike. Even it only means a paint job. I have seen people post about a bike they found all dirty and cheap. I was thinking "okay what are they gonna do to chop this one up and make it not resemble it's former self?" but I was pleasantly surprised that they took the time and patience to restore it to it's original glory. Would I have been unhappy with a chop and overhaul? No. That is very cool to see too. I get frustrated because of my lack of knowledge on "how to" or lack of "proper" tools when it comes to working on bikes. I don't weld, I don't have a welder. I want one. But I have no money. I do what I can with what I have. Mostly that means changing the paint or swapping parts from other bikes. I'd do it to a new off the shelf bike just as fast as I would an old bike. This is a Hobby people. We all have them and they are all unique to us. We share in love of bikes and that is what brought us here in the first place. It's inspiring to see what others do to their bikes. I have see many on here that I would love to ride and show off. I may not have any that inspire others right now on this site but I can honestly say that there are a number of kids, teens and young adults that have seen my customs and have to stop and chat with me. I am happy to say that there are some that loved what I did and want to do something with their bike now at home. There was a guy who said he has an OCC chopper that he road when he was younger and seeing my bike made him want to customize it and get out riding again. All I could think to say was "Check out and read the build by Fireproof and his daughter." :D
anyone that actually comes out and says "kool bike too bad it is a huffy" is a punk. now do i like some frames to base my personal bikes off? yes i do but thats what i like, then again my new bike is half huffy. i can respect whatever someone bases their bike on whatever it is as long as they make it look kool then go for it.
Did someone say Mustang II? I think they are cool! Same par as a V8 in a Pinto as they are basically the same car up to a point. I have a '78 Cobra V8 T Top car that I've owned for 25 years. It was weak and mushy in the beginning but now has a full frame made from square stock, 8 point cage, wild 302/c4, and a 9" big bearing Bronco rear with 4.30 gears and 5 lug front and rear Superlites. Body mods include '66 front and rear bumpers/ valances and rear fuel cap relocation. Can't really call it a sleeper, as it shakes so hard at idle there's not much fooling going on.
Buck Masterson said:
I've mentioned this before, but it REALLY bugs me when I see so many negative comments about ANY bikes, such as "Walmart Huffies" etc. Mine is actually from K-Mart but you know what, it got me riding again and I like it! For people that dig in garbage cans and dumps please don't act like a spandex wearing road biker.

In that statement, you`re putting down other bikes/riders. Why the hate? :shock: I love Rats, Klunkers, Mountain bikes, Road bikes....ALL bikes. I generally wear baggie mountain shorts, but on a long, fast road ride, I`ll be wearing spandex cycling shorts. That roadie that passes you might love rats and have a garage full of vintage cruisers, who knows? 8)

"We Have Seen the Enemy and He Is Us" -Pogo
i've been visiting this forum for 3 years+ now.
and as far as i can tell, this is about the least snooty group of riders i've never had the pleasue to meet.

now, i'll have to agree,most of the big box store bikes are crap imo. when i say crap, i mean cheap parts/material, poor assembly etc etc.
now just because i have an opinion on set bikes, doesn't mean i wouldn't invite you into my home, or even go cruising with you on your big box store bike. :) heck i've owned my fair share.

ya got to keep inmind,theres always a few rotten apples.
however, if your feeling like rrb is full of snooty rat rodders, i have one thing to say.
sit down, stay a while and you'll quickly learn how wrong you are. :)
That's the way it's always been with "cheap" bikes. When I was young, Schwinn was the only bike to have. All of the others were crappy, like Higgins, Huffy, Western Flyer, etc just to name a few. Up till now I have only been collecting Schwinns, but I am going to branch out. These bikes that were "crap" when I was younger are now the coolest bikes to have, like Higgins, Huffy, Western Flyer, etc just to name a few. :p I already have a Western Flyer, and I drool over the Higgins Color Flows.

As far as this forum goes, I really like it. I like the site owner's philosophy. Some really good folks too. Sometimes I do feel like I need to hang around awhile longer though to really "fit in".
Since I ride the wide spectrum of the cycling world, I felt like chiming in.
I've witnessed high snootiness mostly in the Recumbent world, with comments about wheel size and levels of drowzyness. I mostly just laughed, I usually allow people to be funny.
But, I've also ridden alongside fully lycra-clad roadies, my personally least favorite aspect of cycling, and made wonderfully civil conversation about what craziness I was riding at the time(English 3spd recumbent), He was on a charity ride. Possibly one of the politest persons I've met.
Stuff like that reminds me to never judge a book by its cover.
My own personal worst snooty moment was with our last buildoff, your first post should not be in the Finished Bikes section.
We as bike riders should just be happy that Any body is on Any bike. The more bikes out in the streets, the better off we'll be.
:? Not sure how your example exemplifies snootyness. Don't recall any insults or declarations of unworthiness, just pointing out the rules and reason for that section. :|
I'd say my worst experience of bicycle snootyness is my local bike shop owner, If you go in with anything that cost under a grand new he looks down his nose to you. (He's one of the spandex clad mountain bike / fixie snobs) I love bringing my many rat rods in there just to air up a tire and when he bends down to air it up I ask if his tetanus shots are up to date..... :lol: :mrgreen:
I'm with Icyoud2 on this one this is the least snooty forum I've been on . I was on a jeep Liberty site for jeep ideas. I figured out an easy and pro looking way to make roof bars. I put a bend on the ends of the tubes to clear the roof with a constant gap with my mounting method. The resident nay sayer/ expert tells me you don't have to do that! its dumb etc when I explained why and showed photos he ignored them and got all abusive because people were interested and built them for their Libbys. I helped a few locals and a guy in Alabama make some. I think I was taking away his expertise or something! Gave up on the site cause I was done with my projects and didn't need the hassel.

By xc204 at 2008-05-27
I rode motorcycles for a while, I chopped a Honda CB750. It was pretty nice 70's style chopper.

You dont know how many guys came up to me and said "nice Sportster" or "wow I had an Iron head sporty just like that back in the day"

When I pointed out that it had 4 cylinders, and the Honda emblem on the side of the clutch case, they treated me like some kind of idiot.

I commute everyday by bicycle on a commuter converted Trek 990 mountain bike, 11 miles a day. Looked up some commuter sites and was told you cant commute on a mountain bike. I need a built specific commuter.

People can be jerks, ignore it and have fun.

I like it here alot.
Like I said earlier, a little cliquishness, or snootiness just goes with the territory in any hobby, and most of it isn't really serious, or worth making an issue of.
But Outskirtscustom's post rang a bell with me.
There is a bike shop near my house in Whittier, CA that still keeps huge Schwinn, and GT signs painted all over the building, but if you go in there with a Schwinn, or a question about one, they treat you like you're some homeless guy begging for money.
I mean these guys are overtly rude.
One time, right after I got my Spoiler, I was riding it near the shop, and lost a front axle nut. I was lucky to have avoided a crash, and injury. I went in there to see if they had a front axle nut that would fit. I told the guy what happened, and what I needed, and without so much as looking at the bike, he said," We don't have parts for those things, we don't work on those things, Schwinns are junk", and walked off.
I would add that I had purchased my last three bikes- two high end GT's and a Specialized, at that same shop.
Now I wouldn't spend a dime in there if I got twenty cents in change.

None of my current fleet is from Wal Mart, Kmart, or Target. I ride what I end up with. It's about what I can afford or what I'm given.

I wouldn't mind a Huffy Cranbrook, or the Wal Mart 29er, but I'm maxed out on bikes at the minute. I'll keep riding what I've got.

At one time all of my bikes were Kmart bikes and I thought I was the coolest kid in town.