so my bike got stolen

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the wheels,tires may be the only
parts from your bike.
:?: :idea: :!: ;
parts are the ez,. :arrow:
use an investigative approach. :mrgreen:
What grade are you in :?: Stand up to the jerk and show him who's boss :wink:
sophmore. and im already on thin ice as it is. my grades werent that well (fixed them) and if i get something on my record like a suspension or an expoltion, there goes trade school..this kid has also been known to bring weapons. (cought twice with a knife) its of all people him. if it was anyone else, it be taken care of in the empty lot next door. ill see if he rides it tommorow, and look a little closer at his bike.
going to go to school for automotive electrical engineering, as well as getting my certification to become a smog tech. itll be about two years of school, but it will be worth it because ill be doing what i really love.
Peatbog said:
Even if you are in the right and the kid stole your bike, it really is not worth taking a chance in screwing up your schooling. Make sure you handle it so that does not happen.

What is the trade you are thinking about going into?
I agree, especially if the kid is bad news, and you have what, 3-4 weeks of school left? I'd take the high road.
that is messed up man. Sounds like the guy is guilty. I dont know what to say man. I lived in the IE and some kids just dont care about anything. I had a good friend that lived around that area and and he would tell me how things were around there. Im not sure if its still infested with gangs, but it was back in the late 90s when there were punk kids just stealing like crazy and jumping people for no reason.

not to give bad advise, but his new bike needs to get lost somehow. Im not telling you to steal it or anything like that, but it would be nice to see that someone else will not be able to ride on stolen bike parts.
I say let it be. Karma works in mysterious ways and very quick As much time and work you put into the bike, it is still replacable. Your time, work at school and record are not replacable. Leave it in God's hands.
At the end of the day, it was just a bike (I know it meant a lot to you, but it can be replaced with something better). Besides, there’s always deals on cool stuff here!

It sounds like you've got plans for your future, don't do anything to jeopardize that.
Stay on your path, someday when you are doing what you like to do, enjoying the fruits of your labour, you will see his mug shot on the news and laugh.

Best of luck to you!

Dr. T
Well if that guy stole ur bike there's really nothing u can do since ur not completely sure it was him. If you know those are your tires dont go steal his bike but maybe just let the air out of his :mrgreen:

Why not try to befriend the guy maybe he really likes bikes u can tell him about RRB, if u become friends then maybe he will return your bike. Its widths shot.
rydr1 said:
not to give bad advise, but his new bike needs to get lost somehow. Im not telling you to steal it or anything like that, but it would be nice to see that someone else will not be able to ride on stolen bike parts.

First line "not to give bad advice." Sorry, you just did.
This is a tough situation. My favourite bike was stolen. I know who did it, but I never confronted them because they were drug dealers. They constantly blocked my car and the hallway, and played loud music at all hours. I had to ask them to move a few times and after that I started complaining to the land lord because I was getting so tired of dealing with them.

You can build another bike, or maybe you'll come across a free one from someone who has extras.
last person that stole my bike is still walking with strong limp as a reminder of why you dont steal from me. i see him from time to time when i drive through my old neighborhood.
yoothgeye said:
rydr1 said:
not to give bad advise, but his new bike needs to get lost somehow. Im not telling you to steal it or anything like that, but it would be nice to see that someone else will not be able to ride on stolen bike parts.

First line "not to give bad advice." Sorry, you just did.

I guess my opinions sound like advise now. :roll:
If we were in charge of things being handled fairly, we would never have time to go bike riding. That's why it's best to let Karma handle it, which will happen sooner or later. Go ahead and enjoy your life.
well not to much of an update. everyone at school who owns any type of bike knows bout i though. keep getting asked if mine was taken, told them yeah. cop is aking for a model number, well i have no idea. told my grandma today (she gave me this bike) and all she said was "f___cking shoot them when you find them" and said that shell see what she can do (aka: shes going to get me a new one) i told her i will aim for the leg, and that all she has to do is break her bike so i can keep fixing it.
Snydur, everyone is right, let it go. Its funny to think that the kid that stole it is already on the wrong path and if he doesn't change that he will be nothing in life. You in the other hand, already have plans. Keep your plans on track and keep record of your new bike with ID number and maybe even license the thing.

Hey, if your grandma cant get you a new bike let me know. My dad has a beach cruiser frame with a welded tank that we could probably donate. He lives about 15 minutes from your area on Arlington, between Van Buren and Tyler. That should help you get started on another bike. :mrgreen:

You can even ride the bus there if you can't find a ride, that is if they still have the same bus route from 10 years ago. :shock:

Let me know.
he cant be that scary if he split when he saw you. hopefully the guilt keeps him up at night and he wont do it again. kickin the snot outta him sounds good at first, but as said by others, he isnt worth risking your future over. 2 years ago my house burt down. everyone in town knows who did it, but not enough evidence to convict the person. i figure someday he'll have to answer for it to someone much higher up than me. :wink: