so sick of it all...

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Feb 8, 2007
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Madison Heights Michigan
Rating - 0%
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Im so sick and tired of my parents fighting, Tonight was the worst of it all. I heard the "D" Word. Im so sick of it my dad blames alot of it on me! WTF DID I DO IM SO SICK OF IT IM Locked in my room in tears right now.. I HATE IT! They used to yell and fight about my grades i braught them up right, they faught about money when dad lost his job, He got it back, I DONT GET IT! I just need 2 get the hell out of here but i dont have any where to go.. I HATE IT :!:
Hang in there bud! The way you're kick'n ass in school you'll get a full ride scholarship and be outta the situation! Stay strong! L9 EM
Yeah Ricky...your folks are probably under a lot of pressure and that never helps.

I think probably your best bet is to pray for them and their marriage.
Things are WAY to complicated nowa-days, leaving everyone stressed and we all need to just get a hold on the big picture. I wish I could give some advice here, but I feel your pain man.
Rick my job puts me in over 600 homes a year and I've seen it all. Your situation is not uncommon. Life is hard especially today. The root of many problems lies in money, stress, and more. Whatever happens be assured your parents love you and don't mean the hurtful things they may say in the heat of emotion. I don't understand either how people can be civil at work and to strangers all day and then come home and take out their frustrations on the ones they love.

Above all stay true to yourself, keep the grades up, don't take any negative paths. You are at an extremely vulnerable time in your life. You're not a kid, not quite and adult. The paths you choose now dictate what your future holds. I'm 37 and their are a lot of things I would have done differently. I didn't listen to advice, you won't either. The nature of teenagers is to know everything. When you are 17 years old 10 years is forever. At 37 10 years seems like a month. Just concentrate on learning, growing, and becoming what you will be. My grandparents of all people got divorced when I was 15... My Grandparents! It was hard but if it should ever come to it it was not the end of the world. I will pray for you and them. Hang tough Rick. You ever need to talk to someone about anything or just vent I am PM-ing you my cell number.
Your welcome Rick and I meant it.

Don't feel weak for crying. Such an expression of grief is better than bottleing it up and having it manifest itself in a more negative way.

Just remember... "There's no crying in Baseball!"---Tom Hanks<< A League of Their Own


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