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Thanks guys for all the compliments.

PabloAntonio said:
Amazing build! I love the oil tank look. Thinking about incorporating something like that into my Longboard build after seeing this.
Would love to see what you come up with.
Wow just notice it has almost been a year since I started this "quick" build.
Been trying to work on it a few minutes here and there. Decided to put the shifter on hold, I am sure I will regret this , and start some color.
Being somewhat influenced by the patinas I saw on the motorcycles at Wheels Thru Time Museum in NC.
Achieved it on the handlebars but decided to keep the fender a little nicer so they will contrast with the rest of the paint job making it look even more ratty.
Here are some pics.


This thing is amazing! im away for work on the other coast but i live in tampa now, may not be back for a while but when i do, expect a pm and go for a ride sometime.
painted the frame and tank. Tried to create a "barn find" patina. Not sure if I achieved it??? Have to redo the graphic on thew other side since it got damaged during painting.

Kreep said:
Love the way the paint turned out on the frame. Keep up the good work.
A little darker then I originally intended. Pics do not show some of the subtle color variations that can be seen in person. Has a nice mean look.
Starting to put the parts back together. Will post some pics in awhile.
The paint looks great! Eager to see the bike put together! I think that the different paint scheme on the rear fender will be a nice touch that'll complement the rest of the bike. How did you make that silver pattern? Masking tape, a sharp knife and lots of patience? :)
We are having an overcast day here so thought it would be good time for pictures of building process so far and a question.
Found in my parts pile this nice rusted crank and arms to help add to the grunge look.
Still have pieces to put on but not sure what color the chain guard should be.
The first choice is black to add a nice balance with the fender and fork but this starts to make it a little more refined than I originally wanted.



Looking for suggestions.
Ever so close to finished.
Trying to decide if I like the 24" front tire which is a little wider but is dry rotted so would have to find another one since a new one is not in the budget.
The 26 " one which is in good shape with a rim that matches the rear.

24 inch

26 inch

Ended up painting the chain guard black and dirty silver, similar to the fender. Not real thrilled but can live with it until I think of something else.

The last part I need are 2 matching lamp finials for the bottom of the seat springs. I have this one but have not been able to locate another.
Any one have a matching pair they would like to donate to the cause? PM me if you do.
Galtbacken said:
The paint looks great! Eager to see the bike put together! I think that the different paint scheme on the rear fender will be a nice touch that'll complement the rest of the bike. How did you make that silver pattern? Masking tape, a sharp knife and lots of patience? :)

Sorry Galtbaken I missed your question.
The pattern is created with an arts & crafts applique my wife found at our local art supply store. It is made from some sort of felt material and has double stick tape on the back. If I can find the original packaging I will post its name.
I just painted the silver and once it dried applied the applique and then sprayed the black. I was careful not to press it on to hard so it pealed off real easy with out taking any of he silver. It is still sticky enough to use again.

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