wel i was digging thru some older pictures and found alot of bikes i had built and decided to post them here
i will try to describe them as best i can but to be honest i forget most of them but here goes there are many more not pictured like my camo liner and my firestone klunker but when i find pics i will post them here is what i got so far beginning with gigahorse y mad max inspired cruiser/klunker mashup
next up is my huffy mountainbike turned cruiser miss it but i sold it for a pretty good price
this one was just a decoration but nonetheless i did build it lol
the huffy after i rebuilt right before i sold it
my huffy nitro i got from a scrap pile and rebuilt
my schwinn delmar i was kinda going art deco with then got bored with it
well i did not build this one but i did ride it until the frame broke
my j c higgins hot rod i built back in nebraska
my klunker which later became gigahorse this bike was built several times and wrecked twice
my haro group one i got ina barn and rebuilt then sold
more to come as i find pics of them
i will try to describe them as best i can but to be honest i forget most of them but here goes there are many more not pictured like my camo liner and my firestone klunker but when i find pics i will post them here is what i got so far beginning with gigahorse y mad max inspired cruiser/klunker mashup
next up is my huffy mountainbike turned cruiser miss it but i sold it for a pretty good price
this one was just a decoration but nonetheless i did build it lol
the huffy after i rebuilt right before i sold it
my huffy nitro i got from a scrap pile and rebuilt
my schwinn delmar i was kinda going art deco with then got bored with it
more to come as i find pics of them