A lot of people here are also car and MC enthusiasts which is cool
to me because in the world of 'serious' bicycle riders even liking
cars is a no-no. I had a few hotrod cars in the 70's and worked
for a car magazine in the early 80's, Super Ford, so I have a soft
spot for them too but somehow ended up always getting MC's with
the few bucks that were left over...Now, I ride about 125 miles a
week on the bicycle so I have earned the right to like hotrods and
MCs and not feel guilty about it !!
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
My Softtail:
Sportster :
ThUnDeRhEiFeR, I race this bike in Dual Sport events.....
ZX-9, WOW...this bike was =F=A=S=T=
1974 Elsinore, later set it up for shorttracking. Trans blew once a month.
Possible the funnest of all, my Scooter ! 150cc two stroke, jetted and fitted with a race chamber...this bike ROCKED !!!
Me riding with my Scooter club : Scooter people make HD riders look tame !! A very ........uhhh, eccentric bunch of people !!
Pretty scary, huh ??
to me because in the world of 'serious' bicycle riders even liking
cars is a no-no. I had a few hotrod cars in the 70's and worked
for a car magazine in the early 80's, Super Ford, so I have a soft
spot for them too but somehow ended up always getting MC's with
the few bucks that were left over...Now, I ride about 125 miles a
week on the bicycle so I have earned the right to like hotrods and
MCs and not feel guilty about it !!
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
My Softtail:

Sportster :

ThUnDeRhEiFeR, I race this bike in Dual Sport events.....

ZX-9, WOW...this bike was =F=A=S=T=


1974 Elsinore, later set it up for shorttracking. Trans blew once a month.

Possible the funnest of all, my Scooter ! 150cc two stroke, jetted and fitted with a race chamber...this bike ROCKED !!!

Me riding with my Scooter club : Scooter people make HD riders look tame !! A very ........uhhh, eccentric bunch of people !!

Pretty scary, huh ??