Some of my old motorcycles........

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Mar 29, 2007
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~Juno Beach~
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A lot of people here are also car and MC enthusiasts which is cool
to me because in the world of 'serious' bicycle riders even liking
cars is a no-no. I had a few hotrod cars in the 70's and worked
for a car magazine in the early 80's, Super Ford, so I have a soft
spot for them too but somehow ended up always getting MC's with
the few bucks that were left over...Now, I ride about 125 miles a
week on the bicycle so I have earned the right to like hotrods and
MCs and not feel guilty about it !!
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

My Softtail:

Sportster :

ThUnDeRhEiFeR, I race this bike in Dual Sport events.....

ZX-9, WOW...this bike was =F=A=S=T=


1974 Elsinore, later set it up for shorttracking. Trans blew once a month.

Possible the funnest of all, my Scooter ! 150cc two stroke, jetted and fitted with a race chamber...this bike ROCKED !!!

Me riding with my Scooter club : Scooter people make HD riders look tame !! A very ........uhhh, eccentric bunch of people !!

Pretty scary, huh ??
You've definitely had more than a few cool bikes in the past. I particularly like the scooter - small motorized vehicles seem to be waaaaay more fun than you would think. Calgary has a very active scooter community, kinda makes me want one. Just because.

You think the scooter folk make the HD crowd look tame? Check out the HeII's Satans moped gang. Sca-a-a-ary. :mrgreen:

thanks for sharing the Pic's..
I love the Rigid Look of a Soft Tail..
but ...."call me Wuss"....I think The 883's have a very cool
Rear Shocked look like that of a 50's Style.

You can trick out a Sporty with a Bigger Tank like you did,
and change up the seat a bit to open the rear's look,
and they are a VERY COOL 50's Style.
They remind me a lot of an Old Bobber...which I have always liked.

And they go like Snot for a Hog.. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Thanks again for sharing,


That might be the most rightous Sporty Ive EVER. SEEN !!

Those Ruckus are wack too ! Is yours the 250 ??

Did you have trouble riding it for a few minutes when you got
it ?? Coming offa Hog and onto a Scooter I almost fell 'cuz
the scooter was soooooo twitchy :eek:

Two wheels = :mrgreen:
a few of my mom/dads motorcycle ridin friends tried ridin my scoot around the house, they all thought "it takes REAL balls to be able to ride that thing" cuz the whole balance thing :D

thanks RB, yup its a metro, Nice Stella BTW !!!! Ive been wantin one for a while now, closest genuine dealer is 2 hrs away but hes still gotta, red 05 with a sidecar i been droolin over (i like the buddy 125's too) but the metro does great for now. They make a 6-spped trans for the STELLA/PX dont they?