Recently built this bike up. It has a longer rear frame triangle than my earlier electric bikes and has an updated engine case. As before the electric motor is hidden inside the fabricated v-twin crank case, making this a mid-drive electric. The 52v 30 ah battery is located in the gas tank and the controller is hidden in the tool box behind the seat post. Tires are 3" wide and the raw finish aluminum fenders are ribbed and ducktailed similar to early Triumph motorcycles. Front fork is a springer with internal compression and rebound springs and brass pistons. 42 mph top speed and disc brakes to haul it back down. It's an absolute blast to ride around!
Sportsman Electraflyer by Pat Dolan, on Flickr
Sportsman Electraflyer Cruiser by Pat Dolan, on Flickr
Sportsman Electraflyer by Pat Dolan, on Flickr
Sportsman Electraflyer by Pat Dolan, on Flickr
Sportsman Electraflyer Cruiser by Pat Dolan, on Flickr
Sportsman Electraflyer by Pat Dolan, on Flickr