I know I haven't posted on here in a super long time. My summer turned out quite different than I planned, and my summer project bike sat ignored for many more weekends than I planned. Just way too many weddings, showers, and out-of-town trips!
Anyway, I've made good progress on the bike aside from all that. It's all been broken down into pieces, I have the saddle all refinished, the frame all sanded and primed. I used DuPont etch primer, followed by DuPont acrylic primer.
What can I use now, as my base coat? I see a lot of you like Rust-Oleum...but WHICH Rust-Oleum? They have several sub-brands it seems like. Which ones can go over my acrylic primer?
I am losing my mind looking for DuPont paint, is why I ask. Their website sucks at telling you where to buy it. I really don't feel like calling around to a bunch of body shop guys and asking them where they get theirs. I can't even Google and find where distributors/stores are.
The reason I primed with DuPont is, my father in law is an old-school autobody guy and he recommended it and loves it. But he's in Chicago and can't tell me where to go in St. Louis. I was hoping to buy paint this weekend. Grr.
I am so excited to get this done. The fenders and rack (it's a mostly-postwar Western Flyer frankenbike) are not pleasing me too much....after my body filler and sanding, they're looking a bit lumpy under the primer.

But the frame and fork look awesome. Maybe someday I will re-do the fenders and rack, but for now... GOSH I just want my old 40s bike to ride around, and the weather's turning cold already!