1beaglebaby said:
but doable :wink: that would make a cool end of classes machining project 8)motorhedfred said:
OneHorsePower said:but doable :wink: that would make a cool end of classes machining project 8)motorhedfred said:
OneHorsePower said:not actually real , but could become ... its retro schwinn sprigner fork arms on Girvin parts , with rear MTB suspentions :wink:
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Thank's man ,i appreciate the compliment , i hope me or someone build it someday the see it in real 8)motorhedfred said:OneHorsePower said:not actually real , but could become ... its retro schwinn sprigner fork arms on Girvin parts , with rear MTB suspentions :wink:
This post also serv as a "Bump" :mrgreen:
Ok, maybe the word "dummy was a bit harsh in describing the little v-twin, but I intend to make it up to you with this post.....
This design is absolutely brilliant. It also made me do a double take and study it. At first I didn't see how it could provide any suspension but I see it now and it's great ! It even has some extra leverage to provide a decent amount of travel. Kudos brother.
i like how the geometry is familiar , but its done in a way i never seen before...oxeed said:Here is my springer fork version.
dogdart said:
Tuco said:Dogdart, or anyone else who can help....I have the third springer in this picture (the one with the headlight). I do not have any of the hardware for the lower section where the axle mounts. I'm sure the axle is meant to move up and down in those slots, but it must take some sort of bushings or something??? What do I need to make this springer work? Thanks!!!
dogdart said:
Tuco said:Thanks kingfish!!! Do you know anywhere that I could order those nylon nuts. They look like cutting board material. I could probably just make some that way! Do you think it would be beneficial to make them with a larger outer diameter so there's less play?
is it just me or there is no spring action on this fork ? i dont understand how the spring could do anything if there is a support on top of it :?junknutz1975 said: