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Jun 12, 2009
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san antonio,tx
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the more I've been thinking bout it the more i want to paint my bike.The idea came to me to sort of theme it i guess.I would like to paint music notes across the frame,the only problem i have is i can't draw :? so i was wondering if it would be possible to make a stencil to use? what would be the easiest way to do this?is this even possible? any and all help would be great,thanks.
I bought a sheet of vinyl music note stickers from a local craft shop and used them for my music room. You might be able to find something like that online.
2manybikes said:
I bought a sheet of vinyl music note stickers from a local craft shop and used them for my music room. You might be able to find something like that online.
how big were the notes? that sounds like a rad idea thanks.
sensor said:
you could always print out some notes and cut them onto contact paper(i swear that stuff has a million and one uses).......
but 2manybikes idea would be the easiest
contact paper can do it all thanks. i'll have to try all this out and see which one works the best.thanks
I love making stencils by hand and anyone who can trace a line can do it...just print out what you want on some thick paper, get an exacto knife...if you don't have one you can find them for under $2...and everyone should have one :p....put it on a piece of cardboard or something you dont mind cutting into and start tracing with the exacto...once you have your stencil depending on your comfort level either hold it up to where you want it and spray or tape it up and your overspray and if you just cant get the stencil to sit down flat enough and get some underspray you can pick up some stencil spray that makes it tacky but is easy to clean up afterwards. you can also do really cool shadow and 3d effects with stenciling by just spraying one color and then nudging the stencil a bit and laying down another color. I also like using stencils because you can lay it ontop of the paint with good results and clear over it all instead of having to put stickers down and spray the whole thing. also if your wanting to reuse the stencil often go get the sheet laminated for $.50 or so and it will last a long time. Takes a little time but is a good thing to practice doing...comes in handy pretty often...just made a sign using this method for our community bike shop and got tons of compliments...and now have the stencils already cut out so we can reuse them for lots of different things. Any questions or comments please feel free.

-if you can find sticers to by and only plan on doing this once thats the easiest route but can be a little more expensive and you dont have as many options...cant adjust the shape and size to exactly how you want it...won't always be able to find what you want in an already made sticker....and cant usually reuse them, if you want to do a shadow, 3d, or outline effect depending on the sticker its going to be hard to pick it up and move it.....oh and...have to clean off the sticky residue afterwards.

-getting custom vinyl ones are cool but pretty expensive and have most of the same problems as using premade stickers.
i found a good thing to make stencils out of is acetate, the stuff they use to make Over Head Projector slides
i found it gives a cleaner edge than car or paper
yeah the clear sheets are good...just make sure you get the kind you can print on cause most inkjet printers that try to use them will just rub that case just print it on normal paper and tape the clear sheet over it as a guide.

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