I'm Still looking for I.D. help!!!
This Tandem rear steer has BSC threads on axles, and front fork. The front fork headset is a 1 1/4" x 26 tpi. As you can see, the rear steer rods don't use linkage to turn the front fork. What was left of the seat looked to be a Brooks, with the rear seat post is straight, and the fornt one "L" shaped. The rear double cog on axle I believe one cog was added later a perhaps add on another bike. The weld on the double cog was very poorly done. The main sprocket,axle, and bearings on the frame are held in with what seems to be made out of wood, all held in with a square flat plate, with 4 bolts.
Right now I am looking for a 1 1/4 x 26 TPI headset, 4 pedals, 2 handle bars, and 2 seats. I can't buy these parts unless I find out what this bike is. I have to finish this Project to fufill a Dear Departed Aunts wishes.
PLEASE!!! I need HELP!!! Thanks and Aloha.