So everything I have found about these bikes is that the frame is just a little smaller and is the same dimensions as the early sting-rays. This was the first old bike I ever bought, which was about 10 years ago. When I got the bike it had a slick on the back (the old and cracked tire blew out mid wheelie), but when I found the wheels that came with this bike they were marked S7. Did they make a slick for the S7 wheels? I thought maybe they only made them for the S2 wheels. Just trying to figure out if I have the right wheels or not. The only thing I'm missing from this bike are the fenders, they probably got thrown away when I rode this thing around in middle school.
So what is one of these things worth now? Just want to make sure I don't do anything stupid to something with even a little value. Also if there was an S7 slick do they make reproductions now, or should I just put an S2 on the back?
So what is one of these things worth now? Just want to make sure I don't do anything stupid to something with even a little value. Also if there was an S7 slick do they make reproductions now, or should I just put an S2 on the back?