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badmuller said:
Oh i forgot, got the dailly to go(just hoped i would get one of my builds ready 8) )

Ace, saw the topic, i really would love to go, i'll check dates and see.

I also have never been been to the FBI or COTY before so dont worry about that! The guys just see your from the Netherlands and presume you will have been :D! So Come on mate, if me, my wife and our two lads can come over from England for only the afternoon for the Chopper Of The Year I'm sure you can! :D ..........Having said that there is a bike show in England this weekend at Billing that we cant get to :oops: :oops: :oops: 8)
Sorry Vovka Che to steal your topic. We just got excited :mrgreen:

Meanwhile, back at the ranch: The Stinx is a brilliant bike, and I hope to see it in person at the FBI. And your 5 girlfriends ofcourse. :lol: :wink:
....with Ace on this, вибачте Che! :oops: Also really looking forward to meeting you and your cycle in the flesh! And of course your friends :D :mrgreen:
Riverbend Bicycles said:
I like your style. Definately should have taken first. Especially since the first place bike doesn't look rideable.
Agree, it looks great! But the Gulf bike looks a bit of a handfull on the video! The Stinx just looks so right!
awesome bike, definitly cooler than the shell bike. i would have liked to see better bars and fork, but i know that was all because of the time pinch. hope to see more in the future! :D
Just noticed you say you bought an IWATA spray gun? we got two on demo at work at the moment fantastic guns :D like unbelievable performance! but very pricey :shock: the pair of Anest Iwata guns we using are £500 each :shock: ! I cant afford to spend £1000.00 :shock: on guns no way! But they are good!

Also, see your names on the list of showers Che for the COTY! :D :D Nice one hope to see you and the STINX there!!!!
Boris said:
the pair of Anest Iwata guns we using are £500 each :shock: ! I cant afford to spend £1000.00 :shock: on guns no way! But they are good!

Spent that much on sprayguns, and then decided to leave it bare metal - that's priceless :mrgreen:
It's even better in person, that mono-rear triangle is tight !


It gained a bit of rust after last weekend's drizzle :mrgreen:
vovka che said:
Thank you, badmuller. By the way our other bike — B29 took 1st in TT!!

I spent only 300 Euro for my IWATA LPH 300. I have nice friends in Iwata distribution in Kiev.

Hey! :D :D Glad to have you back Che! Pleasure to meet you in Amsterdam and thanks for the guided tour of the bikes :D !
I got the IWATA's 8) ....Mine are ''WS400's Super Novas'' designed by pininfarina no less :roll: ....I managed to buy the 2 demo guns for a lot less than the new ones ...but you got a great deal there my friend!

Seen some great pics of you and the stinx and your crew, on different peoples photobucket pages 8)
Top one has to be the late night haircut :shock: :D!
Closely followed by you laid out on the floor with a huge smile after receiving your well deserved prize :D
But finally the shots of the STINX in action .....beautiful bike mate 8) and your a real nice guy and pleasure to meet :D

SBU 2011 is it going to happen? We really up for it if so 8) 8)
Thats cool vovka che, 1st on the B29 in TT.
I will stick to ratlecans if you guy's dont mind

Btw, I bought this awesome patch at fbi/coty is that the patch from the show in ukraine?

what does it say?(translate).
badmuller said:
Thats cool vovka che, 1st on the B29 in TT.
I will stick to ratlecans if you guy's dont mind

Btw, I bought this awesome patch at fbi/coty is that the patch from the show in ukraine?

what does it say?(translate).
Badmuller yep it is! ''Self-Build Bicycles Ukraine'' [check out the cool vid] got mine on me shirt as we speak! BUT!!!! Most have the sound track to 'Brother Where Art Thou' my fav soundtrack!! coolfilm and music!! ...we are seriously thinking about going to України next year 8)