Storage building

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Sorry not anymore. Since they said I had type 2 diabetes I stopped eating my beloved Twinkies
and Ding Dongs....snacks from the Gods. I lost 35 pounds and then stopped their pills and I do good
with my blood sugar. No sweets though.
Uncle Stretch said:
Thanks Clancy. Its was all kinda bowed towards the middle and it fit each other really good.
The bad thing its looking so good inside I hate to violate it with old dirty bike parts. I'm about ready to throw all the parts in a dumpster and make me a MAN CAVE!....its the perfect size for a really cool hammock and a 5' big screen tv. I already picked out a place for my fridge. There is a sewer line capped within 5 feet of it. I had it installed when I built my house.
Capped it and never used it. Water is close too. A small half bath would be killer. :lol: :lol: :lol:

ok .. I will bring my truck down and you ca throw stuff in there... save ya a trip to dumpster...
I am going to LA for a few days.. you think the boss lady will let you come along... I am going to mail a bike
out.. I can mail out an extra.. for ya...
I very rarely leave Pearland. Thanks for the offer. Steve said you are all over. I'm not that fond
of driving anymore. Heck that 5 hours to Dallas is a killer to me now. Use to drive up there and
then back thirty minutes later. Now 10 hours and I'm comatose. :roll: :cry: :oops:
Uncle Stretch said:
I very rarely leave Pearland. Thanks for the offer. Steve said you are all over. I'm not that fond
of driving anymore. Heck that 5 hours to Dallas is a killer to me now. Use to drive up there and
then back thirty minutes later. Now 10 hours and I'm comatose. :roll: :cry: :oops:

Has anyone thought of making Texas smaller? :mrgreen:
Thats funny ...Texas smaller. Its just a little state now.

All the trim is on and what ever on the outside that needs nailing is nailed.
Just need some paint and its done. Suppose to start raining today, but it
shouldn't be a problem. :wink:
They say you can start at Brownsville at the bottom of Texas and drive as fast as you
can and never reach the panhandle before dark.

Well it looks like the bike hanging part will work good. Still need to figure out a
way to hook the frames to that top part.
Looks good, my bike scraps have still been spilling outside though. it's a 12x16 with an 8' long attic in it. I still need to come up with a way to store wheels and frames hanging in the open space overhead. Planned on building a shed roof off the back similar to what your doing to cover all the yard stuff up and get it out of my way inside.

Man Jeremy that is killer. I really didn't go to any lengths on mine because its a shop.
Kinda figuring out where stuff will go. Looks like a bunch will fit.

The only way I could get the okay from the boss is if it matched the house. The roll up door is pretty handy for staying out of the way but I wish I would of just put some double doors like yours up, the one ive got is a little drafty in the winter time. Going to bury some power out there once we get a new driveway. The frame and wheel storage set-up looks awesome Uncle S !!! I think I have more spare wheels laying around than anything else.
I thought it was mostly wheels but after taking out a bunch man I have lots of cranks
sprockets and them stupid chain guards. I never run one. I have a bunch of shelves to build
and then maybe I can make a dent in all this junk. I already forsee my metal guy getting a bunch.
Yeah your shop is fantastic. I bet you spent some money on that puppy. I think I'm going to be at
around $1300 when I'm done. I'm just happy to be able to clean and paint my filthy shop. I let it
go way too far. Grinding dust takes its toll on a clean shop.
$2700 plus 3 unpaid days off work. I think I spent another $250 on tools/nails. I got quotes for $5000 and up but they were smaller without an attic. Use left over shingles and trim from previous projects. The roof is a bit steeper than I had planned I was worried about slippin off, then a piece of felt paper blew up and just about blew me over the end ... I was done playing carpenter that day after that :lol:
ok .. its looking pretty good... now its time to start riding them bikes... its good for ya..
start off easy .. and each night add a bit more distance... this is where i try to catch you off
guard.. and ask how much you want for the pipe bender..
Thats funny Henry. I have three pipe/tubing benders. To build a frame takes all three
well maybe two. I don't always use that hydraulic one from Harbor Freight.
Oh and trust me I'm pretty well caught up on exercise for the month. The ones hanging are just stash bikes ,the good ones live in my garage,
and my best one in the house. :wink:
One of these days if I give up bike building they will all be for sale. Just
have that one last design stuck in my head. :roll: :shock:
Thanks Skip its coming right along. Should have all the bike parts out of my shop
by tomorrow. Then the real work begins to clean all the junk wood and nasty stuff

Can't extend that any farther. I have about 8 feet to the property line. They don't let
you get any closer than that.
I do have 6 acres in Angleton that I could sell all this and build me a house there.
Got a 3/4 acre pond and had an alligator for several years ,but I think he ate all the
fish and moved on. I always wanted a 30x40 metalliac building. If I was younger I would.

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