Stripped & Teased: Updated 7/15

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Re: Stripped & Teased: Updated 7/1, again

that pic from the rear just looks so right. just need to photoshop in some tire smoke :D
Re: Stripped & Teased: Updated 7/1, again

really like this bike, but why are you looking in my shop. the spoon trick i am using too. the cats out of the bag. oh well. i didn't see that on another bike, the spoon i saw was for a tail lite, since i am doing something different i thought i would use a spoon for my brake . hmmm. anyways, your bike is coming along very nice.

Re: Stripped & Teased: Updated 7/1, again

Outlaw- I guess it goes to show that great minds do think alike. :lol:

stretch- I did clear the bare metal parts. I sanded it down to about 800 grit sand paper and them sprayed it clear. It does darken it some, but I noticed that it lightens up some as the paint hardens.

Karfer- Here ya go
Re: Stripped & Teased: Updated 7/3

I got the chain on today and took it for its maiden voyage, and it was awesome!


(I swear I'll get some pics when there is actually some decent light :oops: )

I also got the nexus cable shortened, but I was too impatient to get the shifter all hooked up. So for now it is only in second gear and I have a feeling it will stay that way for a while 'cause I just want to ride it. Even just in second with that 52 tooth sprocket this thing seriously moves. I took it for about a five mile ride and it rides really smooth and straight. With the seat all the way down it is pretty low, but it still makes for a pretty comfortable ride. The best thing about the first ride was that a guy stopped me and asked where they could get one and I said, "you can't".
Re: Stripped & Teased: Updated 7/3

I liked this one from the get.Nice job. :D
Is that the natural rake of the Schwinn springer?
Re: Stripped & Teased: Updated 7/3

Thanks everyone for the compliments. I've been riding this thing like crazy!

ExtraBlaze: It's not quite the stock rake. The part of the fork where the bolt goes through that the legs pivot on (fork crown?) has been switched around. On the old Schwinn forks it is offset so if you put it on backwards it rakes out the fork. It actually lowers it quite a bit too.
Re: Stripped & Teased: Updated 7/3

Wow - I'm seriously diggin' this one.
Great, clean, original lines...nice job.
Re: Stripped & Teased: Updated 7/10

I was looking at this bike yesterday and decided I needed some better valve caps instead of just the black plastic ones that came with the tubes. After some quick sculpting, sanding, and paint this is what I came up with.
