Surgery in the morning

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I build stuff.
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
Roanoke Rapids, NC
Rating - 100%
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Hey guys, a month ago today I crashed my pocket bike, fully dislocated my left shoulder ripping my labrum. Tomorrow morning at 10am I have to be in the hospital for surgery at 1pm. The surgery is arthroscopic outpatient (unless something goes wrong), and I'm really not worried about the surgery, but as far as shoulder surgery, this is serious and I have a long road to recovery ahead of me.

3 days after surgery, no bathing at all, I will have a polar pack ice circulator on me and a fanny pack with some sort of pain blocker thing going into my neck.

3 weeks wearing a sling after surgery, an elevated sling, bulky, no use of right arm.

After sling comes off I start physical therapy, at least 2 months worth. Doctor says that I should be released to be back to normal 3 months after surgery if everything goes "as planned."

This should slow me down a lot. Ugh.

I'll let you all know how it goes, I have the best shoulder doctor on the east coast.

Got a lot of people praying for me, but can never have too many. Thanks.
yoothgeye said:
...Got a lot of people praying for me, but can never have too many. Thanks.

Well in that case I'll just pray for the doc instead :roll: :wink:

Hope it all goes well and a quick and full recovery Justin !!!
Sorry to hear about your crash.
Hope the operation and the rehab afterwards goes well!!!!!
you're young, you're gonna rebound quick - quicker than they predict most likely, especially if you do everything they say, and more so because you're fit going into it.

Make sure they give you the medication to not be nauseous after you come to. I had a similar operation, 4-1/2 hours long, and I was puking for 3 days after. Didn't know I was allergic to anesthesia.

hope the kiddies understand while daddy is recuperating.

best of luck - you got this.
Hope all went well today :wink: My Dad had shoulder surgery and he wasn't out of commission for too long :D
Thoughts and Prayers from the Midwest for you. Hopefully you'll be 100% before winter is halfway through. You have buildin' and bikin' to do. God Bless!
Thanks for the prayers and well wishes guys.

I'll be 36 in 10 days and I think that is young but lots of people have been telling me otherwise and that's what's really getting old.

Surgery went well, my doc prescribes the anti nausea meds to all his patients just in case. I have a nerve block in my neck right now and it seems to be working great, but my hand feeling asleep is driving me CRAZY.

Doctor said my shoulder was worse than he expected and I did have a biceps tear. He said that if a normal shoulder injury was an "X" that my injury was a "4X"
I had surgery to both feet (4 months apart) and I'm 55. Bunions removed and wires put in to realign my foot bones. Cutting and drilling involved with about 50 stitches per foot. I healed up faster than normal. I eat a pretty good diet and keep a good attitude. Working on bikes on my own time is good therapy too.
Glad to hear that you made it through the surgery! :D

Pretty crazy about your arm being that much worse...good thing they did the work.

The question is, how well can you type? :lol:
Just get some rest and don't rush yourself into healing and cause more damage. Might want to stay off the tall bike too just to be safe. As far as age goes you're only as old as you feel and you're far from being in the nursing homes. Now is the time for planning out your builds and aquireing parts, more time to hunt Craigslist.
prayer and good luck on your surgery, Atleast their willing to do something, I remember when I took a tumble and tried to tuck and roll that ended up being a tuck and land on shoulder the doc said I just strained and bruised the muscle that goes over the shoulder but since it went back into place right after it happened they wouldnt do any thing. it took almost a year to get full use back without any pain. Glad their willing to do something to help you get back to normal.
as a veteran of multiple foot,arm,shoulder,knee,and hand surgeries,and many more to come,i feel for ya.just listen to the doctors(i didn't)and get the therapy going.the being young thing really helps.i'll toss a few prayers up for ya.
Wow, that's so similar to what my doc said. You must not have been able to lift your arm at all. I feel for ya, that's brutal. Heal up.
ifitsfreeitsforme said:
Wow, that's so similar to what my doc said. You must not have been able to lift your arm at all. I feel for ya, that's brutal. Heal up.

That's the crazy thing, I've had full use of my arm ever since the accident, just had to be careful or it wold pop out partially. Now though, I'm down for the count. Last night was a rough night.

As for my typing, it's slow, but I haven't sat down at a keyboard yet, this is all on my phone.
that is pretty amazing that you had all that damage but could still use the arm. I couldn't do anything with my arm, it just hung there for a month.
I feel your pain! I had shoulder surgery back in '93. It took me about 6 months to get back 100%. The first therapy session will be brutal but hang in there! Thanks!!!
Rustinkerer said:
As we say on the musician's forum, Mojo sent for a quick recovery! -Adam

I bet if MoFaux was sent to Yoots, he would have a quick recovery!!!!!


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