I found the leather, under the sink-to-be in the coalshed.
As you can see it once-was-a-handbag, that I found lying beside the dumpster outside our block in the city, in that place reserved for items which the former owner considered to have value, just not to them. I just need to remove the handle from the non-zipped side and I should have a piece big enough to cover my saddle, with enough left over for other projects - like a saddlebag. Even the ends of the bag might prove useful, as they were like small pockets.
I have a number of big needles and some pointy tools I found here in the kitchen and the attic, from the times when they used to repair their own saddlery and stuff. They might prove useful in the near future.
See how I have even reused the liner - turned inside out as a bag to store the bits of leather and lining!
#romet #turing
As you can see it once-was-a-handbag, that I found lying beside the dumpster outside our block in the city, in that place reserved for items which the former owner considered to have value, just not to them. I just need to remove the handle from the non-zipped side and I should have a piece big enough to cover my saddle, with enough left over for other projects - like a saddlebag. Even the ends of the bag might prove useful, as they were like small pockets.
I have a number of big needles and some pointy tools I found here in the kitchen and the attic, from the times when they used to repair their own saddlery and stuff. They might prove useful in the near future.
See how I have even reused the liner - turned inside out as a bag to store the bits of leather and lining!
#romet #turing