The… needs a new name

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Midnight Rider.
Yes, that came to mind from the Allman Brothers. Also "After Midnight", which I'm not a huge fan, but I thought the cheeky reference to drag racing had merit.

Since it's going to have a fade paint job, "Fade To Black" also came to mind. Don't know if the minister will know the Metallica reference. :39:
Yes, that came to mind from the Allman Brothers.

*EDIT* I just looked it up, and Huffy actually marketed a muscle bike in the 1970's named Midnight Rider. I guess there's nothing new under the sun, LOL
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I'm pretty sure Baphomet would be one of the last things a preacher would want his bike or anything else named after. C'mon people.
Well, Baphomet was a goat with a human body, like goat handle bars and skull caps, just a thought, you know like the Grim Reaper was a thought being kicked around. I like Minister personally. For what it's worth, my 2¢.
I'm a fan of the 80s turbo Dodge themed movie "The Wraith" and think that name would suit this bike well. 😈

And Iverson of course made the Dragstripper, maybe since this is a Rail a little play on words could be a DragRIPper
Ok, I appreciate all the good names that have been suggested. This thread should be kept for prosperity. You are free to use any of the suggestions, save one:

After Midnight. It's simple. It's "punny". It's non-offensive. It's not necessarily a theme, so I have some design ideas to muddle through, but I'll get through that in it's own new thread.

Again... thank you one and all for your suggestions! You made this a lot harder than I thought it would be with your good ideas!
This has gained new ground. I think I my brain was overwhelmed when you first said this. @JNOACK said this to me last night, and it hit different. I threw the idea at the client. We'll see if a 3rd name change is in the works.
Was trying to think of something that hinted at darkness without having a negative connotation and couldn't think of anything then I though "Holy Roller" then thought Holy Smoke could work.