Good news ! Was worried that after removing the super wierd pin/rivet kids zero adjust sprocket and crank setup the frame hole might not be American standard width and diameter. It is! So , ran by my favorite little local bike shop and ordered an inexpensive but new crank, bottom bracket, and sprocket for the bike. I took the bare frame and chain guard and we were able to increase to a 5.5 inch crank arm ( from 4.25) , and squeeze in a sprocket with a little larger diameter ( 32 chompers I think). Anyway those parts will come in hopefully by Friday and finally all of the parts will be upgraded and or modified into a ridable big kid/adult bike.
Originally the handlebars were super low and flat knee knockers ( fixed with large apes , he seems to like apes anyway)
The seat post of the frame had an impossible insert and a tiny diameter seat post and tiny , low hard plastic troxel seat. ( Fixed with stock post-plate-standard post weld up supplemented by the long loaf seats rear support ) the front fork was suuuuuper flimsy ( fixed with bad ass pork chopper 20 inch triple trees that worked nice due to the little bikes loooong neck tube. ) And finally getting the drivetrain to a less circus bear , larger, and more modern setup. Whitewalls and retro pedals arrived today as well , and the pimp gold chain is due tomorrow. Cleaned up the triple trees and handlebars while waiting and installed the black flake grips.
Hoping to final assemble this weekend or early next week. Going to give Ethan a card with the link to this thread and let him read through it to learn what's waiting in the garage. I'll ask after the finished photos for anyone who wishes to wish him merry christmas on the thread as well!