I build stuff.
Love the bike and we are using the same tires, they ride great.
One thing (if I may) my eyes are distracted by the steer tube sticking up above the bottom of the bars with nothing there. I think what you did to mount the bars was really cool, but what if you cut a steel or aluminum plate that you could put on the top of the fork steer tube and hold it down with the top nut and have that piece go out like a brace to the bars to tie it all together? Just an idea.
One thing (if I may) my eyes are distracted by the steer tube sticking up above the bottom of the bars with nothing there. I think what you did to mount the bars was really cool, but what if you cut a steel or aluminum plate that you could put on the top of the fork steer tube and hold it down with the top nut and have that piece go out like a brace to the bars to tie it all together? Just an idea.