The "fastest cruiser bike"

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He is on a nice trail in Fort Worth though. The Trinity Trail runs on the north and west side of downtown. The area where he is is close to the Botanical Gardens probably my favorite area.

I'm trying to be a little kinder and gentler when posting about idiots.

This dude is freakin' nuts! It must suck stopping every 300 yards to catch your breath, those roadies you smoke catch up.

He does not represent those of us that ride where the west begins.
Hay Burner, we ride that trail all the time, and he picked the worst section I know of to go fast.

I was expecting him to buy a bridge pillar or go off into the river by that little house structure. :D

BTW: he was going down hill most of the way, until he got under the bridges.
got my build off bike to 38mph in crested butte in the chainless race. Not too bad considering that was the bike "test ride".
He tells his "secret" in this video:

Anyway, as long as we are talking about speed, this past week I took my youth group to a mission trip in Pittsburgh, PA. As we loaded the trailer with luggage I threw in the closest bike available, a Schwinn Prelude with an Aerospoke rear wheel that someone gave me. I had recently put 90psi in the tires (I know they are suppose to be at 100 or more, but I couldn't let myself do it). Since I was given this bike all I've done was swapped out the Look clipless pedals for platforms and put air in the tires. The Aerospoke has a little play in it.

So we get to the church where we would be staying for the week in Monroeville, PA. It's hilly here... I had no idea.

Tuesday morning I got up at 5:30 and got on the bike wearing cargo shorts, a t-shirt, and Converse all stars and I hit the road. I went uphill since I would rather return from a trip coming down than up. I got to the peak of a hill at speed at a 3 way stop and since nobody was around I blew right through. Let me add, I've never really had a road bike, as a kid I would ride 10 speeds if I had to, but I liked BMX, beach cruisers, and mountain bikes. The fastest documented for me was about 32 on my Trek 7000 mountain bike, then I crashed and got 14 stitches. More recently I puzzled as to why I couldn't get over 27 on my Gary Fisher mountain bike on a slight downhill.

Anyway, this hill ended up being steep, before I knew it all I could hear was the rush of wind blowing past my ears like my head was stuck out of a car window on the highway. My vision went blurred because the cool morning air blasting into my eyes made them water. I reached up wipe my eyes just in time to see the next 3 way stop... I didn't see anyone, so I pedalled... WHOA! I don't know how fast I was going, but soon I got to the bottom of the hill and the last 3 way stop, I had to blow this one, I didn't have enough brakes. I was scared the whole way down because someone else built and maintained this bike.

I would do it again... with a helmet on, but I didn't ride anymore the rest of the week and thought about putting the bike on the Pittsburgh craigslist thinking I might get some money for it there since nobody would buy it around here.

I need to see about tightening up that Aerospoke, now I wanna go fast again... too bad we don't have hills like that around here.
This little bugger get a lot of dirty looks from the local spandex crowd. I am also running a Sturmey Archer S2C Duomatic. It helps that the Panther is in the low 20 pound range. I can keep up with many roadies on the flats, at least. Much to their dismay, cuz I'm an old fat dude. I crashed this bike just last week. Haven't even had the heart to see how much damage I did yet. I wiped out on some wet leaves in the road. Awesome, huh? :roll:


(Edited three times to actually include a picture! :oops: )
my old schwinn the lucky 7 was good for 30 in top gear flat out on the ground. way fast but it took a lot of room to get on top of that top gear. as for cruising if you were in shape i could see it
There is something very positive about the first post... that it got everyone else to tell their scary speed stories.

Now its my turn; I was riding my Dyno roadster a few years back from my apartment to chilis, about 3 miles, and as people know here in california there are a lot of hills. I was heading down a steep hill, I was not trying to go fast, when it was time to slow down because I was approaching an intersection at a red light my freaking roller brake on my 7 speed overheated and the brake faded I freaked out and the only thing I could do was put my foot down to try and stop the bike from moving. I came close to the edge of the sidewalk as the vehicles were crossing the intersection and trust me I was scared, mad and disappointing at the crummy brake I had on that bike.
my good scary story happened just yesterday. i volunteer at a seniors home about 2 miles from my house. i ride there, and ride back sometimes, but not to often because of the hill that in the way. im not sure how steep it is, but ask people from riverside about Camino Real, and the'll tell you it blows. well usually when i ride i go through indian hills, which isnt any better because its just as steep, and theres blind corners. well yestarday i decided to go down the straight and narrow down camino real. i was going fast,really fast. i usually try and slow down when things get wobbly, but i held the bars and kept on. i was keeping up with an older escalade and there was a middle aged lady giving me some sort of hand signals, maybe my speed, but i dont know. as i came to the bottom of the hill the lanes merged and i was literaly in traffic. i was scared, not because i would get hit, but because i had no brakes (surprise!!) luckly i went over some train tracks and it slowed me down enough to start pedaling.

the same bike took me down another street near by. its half the length but it actually has the blind corners, and is alot steeper. when i rode that street the first tim there was a suburban that was trying to hit me (no lie) which made me slam on my brakes and skid through a tire, tube, and part of my rim. those rims are on my KRUSH bike and the good tire off the front went on the cheezt board tracker. i have afew more from recently, but theyre nearly the same, just darker.