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Re: THE GALT TOWN HOOLIGAN 7/22 "throtle" hooked up w/ video :)

karfer, you are one sic dude. the vid is way too funny. bells, soooooo very kool. like it all. well done.

Re: THE GALT TOWN HOOLIGAN 7/22 "throtle" hooked up w/ video :)

karfer67 said:
the stacks dont come as close as you would think. it all ended up working quite well and when your sitting on it you are looking right at both carbs and then down over the fork it is cool

not like a rat bike needs to be any cooler of an experience to ride, but why not 8)

good to hear that you're not inches from being impaled! :lol:
Re: THE GALT TOWN HOOLIGAN 7/22 "throtle" hooked up w/ video :)

guess i gotta take a pic of me on it huh? actually hold on ... D=59009098 this was from the second sat ride month before last and i am the first one by giving the devil sign and i am on the galt town hooligan but i will admit she was only half tanked at that point and is now fully tanked and ready to go. that was a 15 or so mile ride so yes she is very much rideable but yes i am a few inches from getting impaled if i were to crash lol. but isn't that part of what this is about being just a bit dangerous? rat rod thanks and you should know me by now nothing is really too over the top for my stuff as long as it looks cool :D . outlaw yes i am just a bit but in a good way i hope.
pics are taken and posted i was really nervious because i wanted my friend to help me with the pics i am no photographer but due to an emergency at my house that is not possible. so i hope the pics are good enough. again i will say it thanks to everyone who helped me out on this build and kept kicking me along when i was down. thanks and good luck to all
dude come on what do you mean by that? your bike is cool u worry too much. i knew that if i wanted to hang i had to pull out the stops and try something out there i think that is what part of rat rod bikes are rather than just kustoms. you have to be willing to take a chance.
Thanks bro, I'm really happy with my Higgins trust me, but after seeing your bell set up, I just about shat in my pants! :lol:
...yep, sometimes its all about takin' chances, making something unexpected and getting it to work...thats where the satisfaction is. There will always be custom bike builders, but being a Rat builder (in my opinion) inspires everybody that follows. The difference between a Ferrari and a hot rod is...the hot rod came first. One word...."pioneers"
Nicely put vibr8shun, Karfer you really captured the theme of a ratrod. My bike is more of a fix-up than a ratting. My paints to shiny and new and I really didnt incorporate anything unconventional like the ratrodders do with thier cars. You got it going on, on your bike.
the whole what is a rat thing is what you make of it. i went way more traditional rat this year than i did last year. i think what i built last year was too pretty so it is a ballancing act between the two. and thank you for the comments guys i love the bike i took her out for a ride this morning actually and the looks i get when riding it are priceless. some are all like :D , some like :roll: then there are the :shock: people. like i try to do each year i want to build something i have not seen done before, that is edgy and you may or may not like it. thats how i roll lol
That thing is SWEET i saw it at midnight mass an am really impressed with all the work that went into in You have a great eye for detail..
Hisgr8ness thanks for the kind words mass was fun and she showed well there in her natural habitat :D but i hear that mass wont be at cal expo next year there were a bunch of cops giving the poor boys problems
ifitsfreeitsforme and thank you for the comments lol i think it is a cool bike too glad u like it just dont blow me up too much i might float away i am a skinny lil guy after all :lol:
a quick thanks to those who voted for me. there are a lot of other bikes that desrve to be where i am at in the voting but we have been here before this is how the voting goes. i dont like it no one does i would like to see a 10 bike race neck and neck but it always seems to be a few that stick out. i am so tired after all this the ride last night was so gratifying i had not taken her on a long ride with the carbs and the new seat position and it was just so well in one word.... perfect. no i would not want to go out and do a 100 mile race but thats not what these bikes are about. to see the looks on people's faces walking past it downtown was priceless. and when they say they dig it thats all that matters to me. thanks to all who have voted for me sorry i have not come up with some cool subliminal messege i am not real good with photoshop i think she stands purdy well on her own. this has been a real fun build lots of thinking outside the box, and such has ment one of the most fun builds to date for me personally.
I voted for your bike and think it is very deserving of the attention it's getting! that said I'm going to ride Godzilla around the block tonight! :lol:
still have it, still love it, still ride it!! Go Go Godzilla!
Thanks Karfer for the kind words. All I can say it your bike is totally awesome. It's well thought out, innovative, and just a lot of fun to look at. I really need to make it up there and check it out in person

Well, i finally read thru the 20 something pages of this build and am impressed with the work (and enthusiasm) involved. Good job!

This photo in particular made me smile:
karfer67 said:

this is how we bend tubing in galt :mrgreen:

My response, this is how we bend tubing in Helsinki :D

Anyway, truly inspiring thread and amazing workmanship with the pinstripes and everything. May i ask what kind of paint did you use in them, and what kind of brush?
thanks 2 fresh i normally would have used a tree but i could not find a croock with the right shape and when i looked at that tow ball thought hmmmm. i bent it a little but that is actually my friend howie in the photo pouring on the real muscle. as for paint and brushes use one shot pinstripe paint and mack brushes. i personally prefer to use 00 mack brushes but a lot like the thinner 000 brushes. i find the 00 more versital personally and they last longer. anywho this stuff can be hard to find see if there is an automotive paint supply store in town they normally carry it. get yourself some basic colors and have at it. and above all thank you for the kind words i had to really reach deep down for this bike and it was a hoot to build there were many times i found myself staring at it and would just giggle and shake my head but i think it is just kool enough to work. thanks