Thanks guys! I tip my hat and take a bow!

So nice to hear you like it!
I've painted some goldlines and shot satin finish clearcoat. The front fender almost got messed up! :shock: When I removed the masking tape, the underlying clearcoat, the glossy one, started to lift. So there I was with what looked like a big airbubble reaching from the front of the fender to the drilled holes at about a third of it's length. Yepp, I cursed. :roll: I saw for myself how I would have to sand everything down and start over, but then I noticed that the bubble seemed to stick to the surface when I pressed my thumb on it. With childlike anticipation I opened a new packet of black socks...and that, I admit, must sound like I totally had lost it! But with a new sock on my hand, another weird sounding habit, I managed to rub down almost all of the lifted clearcoat!!
A little part of it is still visible as a silvery haze when you look from a certain angle
but I can live with that I guess. I'm just happy I could get most of it down, and from the side it's hardly visible at all!
I was almost ridiculously careful when I removed the tape from the rear feander, and thankfully that went well!
Here's the deorman shot, with a fender over a wheel! :wink:
I've run out of glossy clearcoat, but I've ordered new and hopefully it'll come to the store today and then I'll be able to clearcoat the frame today! We'll see what happens! The sun is shining and all is well!