Hey there people!
I've finally found some spare time! And what better to do with spare time than to pick this build up and continue with the last stages to hopefully finish it soon?

Well, I've moved since last, and I'm now living in a tiny one room apartment (is that what's called a studio?) in a small town 100 km south of where I used to live. Not easy building bikes on the 7:th floor.

Anyway, this weekend I'll take some time off from my studies and visit my mom, dad and brother and do some work on the bike in my brother's backyard! Fun fun fun!!
Not too much left to do on this build. Just two more pieces to paint, the fork and the frame , and then final assembly. No, wait a minute, I just remember I have to make grips and two straps for the rear light. Anyway, still not much left to do. Here's what I managed to get done today:
Rust!!! :shock: Can't allow that!
Got rid of most of it with a wire brush for the electric drill. But it took a while and since I began working on it kind of late in the afternoon, this was all I had time for today. Also got cold when the sun started to set.
Tomorrow I'll apply some filler to the welded parts and smooth them out. I know, I said I was considering leaving the welds as they were, but I can't help myself! :lol:
That's all for now!
Hope all is well with everybody, and take care until next time!