This whole bike build was plagued with problems for me :? After a very slow start and neglible progress I bought a Dyno Roadster (very rare in Australia), and about the same time the date for the next Sydney tweed ride was announced (yesterday), so that prompted a bike swap for the build off! The intention was to build a Pashley inspired bike that could haul the morning tea for my partner and I in style :mrgreen:
Build thread
So here's the before shot.
And the finished shots
* Removed: mudguards, chainguard, muffler, decals, wheels and tyres
* Wheel and tyre combo from another bike
* Swapped seat for a spare
* Replaced bottom end and headseat
* Inverted seatpost to hide the rust
* Drilled rear dropouts to accept the rack
* Modified modern rack to accept wood slats for a more vintage look
* Fabricated mount to attach rack to seat (surprisingly stable!)
* New grips
* Bought a 50s era picnic basket up from some vintage markets for $10
So my bike was pretty much built, I had a cool vintage picnic basket ready to go, my partner and I both had bought pieces of tweed over the year, and we bought the ingredients to cook some cupcakes to have at the end of the tweed ride. And then on Friday afternoon I came down with a cold and I've spent the last 3 days on the couch under a doona (its winter here). Didnt do the planned finishing touches to the bike. Didnt make the tweed ride. Didnt make the cupcakes. Not exactly the way I wanted to finish it all!
So while I had planned some awesome tweed ride picnic pics to finish this all off with an 'awwww.. here's some pics of the bike with the basket and blanket in front of the shed, because that's the best I can do :? sigh...
And a final shot of the shed
Build thread
So here's the before shot.
And the finished shots
* Removed: mudguards, chainguard, muffler, decals, wheels and tyres
* Wheel and tyre combo from another bike
* Swapped seat for a spare
* Replaced bottom end and headseat
* Inverted seatpost to hide the rust
* Drilled rear dropouts to accept the rack
* Modified modern rack to accept wood slats for a more vintage look
* Fabricated mount to attach rack to seat (surprisingly stable!)
* New grips
* Bought a 50s era picnic basket up from some vintage markets for $10
So my bike was pretty much built, I had a cool vintage picnic basket ready to go, my partner and I both had bought pieces of tweed over the year, and we bought the ingredients to cook some cupcakes to have at the end of the tweed ride. And then on Friday afternoon I came down with a cold and I've spent the last 3 days on the couch under a doona (its winter here). Didnt do the planned finishing touches to the bike. Didnt make the tweed ride. Didnt make the cupcakes. Not exactly the way I wanted to finish it all!
So while I had planned some awesome tweed ride picnic pics to finish this all off with an 'awwww.. here's some pics of the bike with the basket and blanket in front of the shed, because that's the best I can do :? sigh...
And a final shot of the shed