The Monark Butterflyer! Finally Done! 2/13/11

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Re: The Monark Butterflyer!

Whats going on with this?

Pudge - did you ride it yet? Whats the verdict?

Re: The Monark Butterflyer!

I've had to back burner the Butterflyer for a while. My niece is getting married next weekend and she's asked me to build her a tandem. Instead of getting in a limo or driving away from the reception after being showered with rice or birdseed or whatever, she wants to ride off on the back of a tandem with her new husband pedaling in front. Pretty cool idea really. Actually, they're just going to pedal down the hill, away from the reception, and there will be a car waiting for them out of view. So now I'm having to spend all my time putting together and cleaning up an old Worksman tandem. It's quite a different build really. Everything has to be spotless and greaseless so her dress doesn't get messed up. I bet that's a challenge no one has had to think about here! Who's had to worry about a wedding dress when planning their build, raise their hand!?!?! (crickets chirping) Anyway, I have until Thursday morning to get it done and I'm way behind! Hope I can get a few pics of it before it gets picked up in 112 hours! :shock:

Once the wedding is over, I'll be able to give my undivided attention back to the Butterflyer. It's very close to being finished. I can't wait. Stay tuned.
OK, I'm finally calling this one done! So sorry about the delay guys. I had to back burner my builds for a while. Without sounding like too much of a buzz killer I have recently faced two of the most stressful events we face in our lives; the unexpected death of my very healthy mom who died while vacationing out of the country, and being laid off from my job after 17 years with the same company. But now I'm back and the therapy of bike building and riding is working wonders! :)

Man, this bike rides so nice! I mean, very very nice! It's so smooth and pedals so effortlessly. I dampened all possible points of vibrations with gasket material so there's no rattles or noise. It just runs so silently. I've ridden it about 40 miles over the last few days and I continue to be impressed. I absolutely love the 7 spd coaster hub. Anyway, enough of the written review, here's the final pics. Thanks for looking.

In the background is the Lynnhaven River in Virginia Beach, once famous for the best oysters found just about anywhere. Back in the day of the colonists, way before we were the US of A, the Queen of England would demand that oysters from this small river be brought back to England by boat. Today there's a renewed interest in bringing the river back to that glory and oysters from the Lynnhaven are making a slow comeback. They're awesome!


The Higgins rack didn't match up well with the seat post bracket on the Monark so I just rigged a second seat post bracket off a Schwinn and added it to the seat post. It's very tight and works great.

I know many of you aren't fans of a basket but I need it for rides at the beach. It's old and functional.


The Condor Horn has a unique sound both on the inhale and the exhale. Like it.

I hope the Ebay advertising doesn't cut off the edge of this pic because I love these DX pedals!



The End!
well good to see this build done. nice job. sorry about your Mom and getting laid off. you will be ok, just takes a little bit of time. my prayers go out to you and your family.

skillsthebarber said:
great bike, could you post a pic of the ground at night with the light on? im curious to see how it lights the way...Thanks
All right Skills, how'd you know? :D The one item that I'm having to redo is the one thing you asked about! :shock: I assure you it was bright, but since I wired it myself, there was just something not right about it. It was almost like it stayed hot regardless of whether it was on or not. Even if not lit it would suck the battery power down and kill the batteries in no time. I'm not very experienced with electricity, AC or DC, so I don't know what the deal was but I went through my share of double As. I'd put in an 8 pack, flick on the switch to see if they'd work, then leave it alone until needed. Come back the next time and they'd be dead! So, now I'm in the process of trying to figure out what I did wrong or if something is touching something else on the inside, or whatever. The bottom line is now you've inspired me to figure it out sooner than later!

Shoot man, why couldn't you have asked me about the LEDs in the rear rack?! They still work! :mrgreen:

I had that same problem the first led swap I did. For me the issue was I was using the wrong switch. The original one I had used 3 prongs on the bottom and then I switched to one that only used 2 plugs on the bottom. Im not very technical when it comes to electrical stuff.

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