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Feb 9, 2008
Reaction score
Rating - 0%
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Today I put myself through 11 hours of torture all in the name of the deal. I drove to Dallas and back and picked up 5 bikes. My brain function isnt right to be typing so here they are . 2 Roadmasters 1 Schwinn straight bar 1 JC Higgins....and a red one a ha ha . There are 3 skiptooth with chains and the two roadmasters have the springers and one of them is the blinker one. Would I do it again....I would leave right now. :wink: thanks again Steve for the heads up on this one.








That second green one is pretty cool....looks like you did alright.

Looking forward to the transformation of these...should keep you busy for a while. :wink:
Its funny when you look at that many bikes ,that all need something done to them, Its almost overwhelming. Just noticed the first green bike ,a roadmaster has a big cut in the frame on the down tube.....well there goes some of the profit. Hummm if I just had a welder ....oh yeah I do.
Cant understand three are badged roadmaster but one says Hawthorne on the chain guard. May have to brush up on my bike knowledge. :roll: :?
Nice score Paul, The green one with the springer in the first pic looks like a Hawthorne to me. The straightbar with the springer and the red one with the curved braces both look like CWC Roadmasters.
Cleveland Welding Company made bikes. The ones they sold out of their dealerships were badged as Roadmaster. The same bike sold by Montgomery Wards was badged as a Hawthorne. The same bike sold by Gambles Hardware was badged Hiawatha. All made by Cleveland Welding, basically identical bikes, but different names and head badges. I hope this helps.
Yeah, Hawthornes from the late 30's to the late 50's were about 50/50, half made by CWC, half made by D.P. Harris/Snyder (Rollfast). Most of the 60s Hawthorne's I've seen were all DPH. Actually, all of the store badged bikes, Western Flyers, Hiawathas, Firestones, etc were made by a confusing variety of mfg.ers! ~Adam