ChadB said:
Kids outgrow strollers pretty quick. I had a hard time paying $100 for one, I can't imagine paying 2 grand. Maybe NBA players or rap stars would be interested though.
Hey Chad,
You are the majority of the market. Lebron James likes his! I think it might be a better comparison if you look at the cost of a nice road or mountain bike...where you get 4+ good years of use out of it. A lot depends on how important that kind of stuff is. To the hot rod guy that can match a stroller to his '32 Ford, getting this over a billet accessory is a no brainer. There are a lot of people in kiddie product land that spend a grand on a stroller that sees 2 years of use max and then serves no function whatsoever. On top of it, it has the same run of the mill looks and constructed of cheapie tubing. We'd love to make it for cheaper and are working on it. The only thing harder then getting customers to spend in this economy is prying money away from investors for consumer products.
We started a fun project of some hot rod accessories for more conventional strollers like drop axle kits and billet wheels. You can check it out at
I appreciate your guys comments though!