The SASE Experiment UPDATE: 6/14/12

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Re: The SASE Experiment (contest page 2)

The suspense is killing me, so far I only have a few entries in the contest, and there have been no duplicates, which is cool. Get those entries in before the cut off date. I'm still trying to figure out what to do if the first respondent is one that has not been chosen, I guess we keep playing until the first one that has been chosen shows up at the party.
Re: The SASE Experiment (contest page 2)

TheFlyingDingo said:
I was tired when I read the contest. So I didn't understand. I sent out 15 sase's yesterday.

There's still time to enter, the cut-off is when the first SASE comes back to me.
Re: The SASE Experiment (contest page 2)

yoothgeye said:
I'm still trying to figure out what to do if the first respondent is one that has not been chosen.
You can just send the stickers to me :wink:

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Re: The SASE Experiment (contest page 2)

yoothgeye said:
I'm still trying to figure out what to do if the first respondent is one that has not been chosen.
You can just send the stickers to me :wink:

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Maybe we"ll have a vote on that. :roll:
Re: The SASE Experiment (contest page 2)

Heres my personal collection, I cant find a couple large sheets. Dunno why.



I'm a big fan of Sheperd Fairey.
Edit-And charlie sheen...Lol.
Re: The SASE Experiment (contest page 2)

Received 4 returned envelopes today and my first batch of stickers, and I've gotta say, this is looking really promising. From my first batch of SASEs I got back Kink, Subrosa, and Crank Brothers, from my second batch (sent the day after the first) I got back Vintage Bicycle Gallery. Total today: 94 stickers, 1 business card, and 1 hand written Post-it note ("Enjoy Sir").



And yes, we do have a winner, let me compile that information and include it in my next post.
Re: The SASE Experiment, stickers are rolling in! Winner!

OK, here were the people who entered the contest and their choices:

SCHWINNRAY69 chose Eastern Bikes, this was a smart choice, he looked at the map, they are in my state.

outskirtscustoms chose Vintage Bike Gallery, he was taking a chance since this SASE was sent out a day later than the first 20, but a good choice since this was an "insider" and looks like you're a winner!

Peatbog chose Sunday Bikes, unfortunately the mail doesn't run on Sundays... :lol:

jerrykr chose Archie's Ice Cream, which was a good guess based on their "SASE" credentials in the other post that I used for this experiment.

cman chose DK Bikes, but they must be too busy selling out to Walmart to send stickers back too quickly.

schertztx chose Vans to be first, but their vans must've run out of gas on the way here.

Doon Chose Kink BMX, and is also a winner!

CHAMPION123 chose GT Bikes, he didn't win, but since he once met and spent a hour talking with Gary Turner, he was already a winner.

I am PMing the 2 winners for their mailing addresses. I will not send out their stickers until I get some more back so that they can each get a good variety. Thanks all who played.
Re: The SASE Experiment, stickers are rolling in! Winners!

Dang, I've never won ANYTHING in my 13 years of life :x It took me 20mins to go through all the names and find out where they were. I picked the closest one but still lost :roll: Oh well... :(

Enough whining...CONGRATS to the winners! :mrgreen:
Re: The SASE Experiment, stickers are rolling in! Winners!

Once you get a million stickers, you ought to wallpaper that tall bike until none of the underlying paint shows. 8)