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I've got to share my favorite story of Autorama about this bike .....

At the 2010 Autorama, the Skelebike wasa bike or two down from mine. Everyone in the FreakBike group watches over one another's bikes and answers questions when possible. I was standing in the isle when two guys in their 20's come walking by. They stop and look at the Skelebike. Tommy was not close by so I walk over to see if they have any questions. At that point, the one one goes to the other,
"Yeah man back when I was a kid I had this exact same model, I think my grandma sold it or gave it away."
WHAT!? :shock:
I laughed so hard and so long that my stomach and ribs hurt for hours.

This bike has always fascinated me (as it has others) and Tommy has truely inspired me in the brief time we've known each other. I wish to thank Tommy and his Skelebike for giving me one of my fondest memories of all time at Autorama!

Oh ... ah ... by the way ..... I too had one just like it growing up as a kid, but my dog ate it! :wink:
Awwwww Shucks Chainy, your makin me blush. Seriously I take that as a high compliment coming from the leader of the freakers. Everybodys comments inspire me to build stuff like this, so a big thanks to all of you. I was thinkin about making a little trailer to pull behind it. I hope to get back in my shop soon and get back to some metal mayhem. Halloween always gets the gears turning so you never know.
Man when I saw the opening pic of the girls bike I thought what a piece? lol then as you see the transformation its incredible and amazing ...pure art in motion!
Thanks again everybody. Your comments are very inspiring. Im really considering taking the bike out this year after being scolded by some co-workers for not having it at this years Autorama. I just started a new skeleton sculpture using an old pedal car I found in the swamp behind my house. Maybe I'll take both pieces and some bikes to one of the local shows like Sins of steel, Billetproof or Relics Riot, if they'll have me. I know some of the Michigan freakbike militia are interested in doing some of those shows. So hopefully I'll bring Mr Bones out in the sunlight again. Thanks, TTT
I figured I'd throw this up, not only to show the bike but to dig up this thread for a minute. Anyway, this bike has been around for a long time. I have read details of the build and it is pretty sick. Things like solid aluminum carved to look loke bone for handlebars, a real mountain lion tail on the rear. I would have done some things differently if it were mine though.
Wow! That is amazing... The skeleton really flows on that bike. Nice touch with the tail, handlebars, and 'chop-tool-fender-thingy'.

But what I like about Tommytwotime's skelebike is that the skeleton really IS the skeletonstructure of the bike. Not an add-on.

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