The Tabasco Lugi ( Or Hot Spit )

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deorman said:
Sheesh. Kind of glad my simple simon build is getting little response after looking at this fear fest. :roll: Maybe he's stealing my idea of putting air in the tires! :lol:
Dang. That was gonna be my ace in the hole. Back to the drawing board.
Air in the tires? Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that. I say if he wants to post, fine. If he don't, fine. That's his perogative. (hope I spelled that right) Have you seen the cool choppers he posted in the motorcycles thread? I don't think he needs to steal anyones ideas.
Geezzzzz.... Can we all go back to being friends? I tell ya the reason there is no pics is because there is nothing to take pictures of...

So far all Ive done is clean the paint off the frame, Oh and build a set of adapters so I could run a 1 1/8 threadless headset on the old 1" threaded style neck...

I have been mocking up different wheel/ tire combo's but haven't settled on anything yet... This is a 24" rear with a 3 speed Nexus.... 26" front with a drum brake.... I think I like this best so far..



I wont be using that front end, at least as it sits now... too tall for the stance I want and I really want to figure out a true leading link fork to make the best of the handling The top bar should be parallel to the ground and the front wheel at bit farther out to give it that "lakester" feel (There, I gave it all away if your paying attention)

so there.... nothing going on... no hidden agenda... no waiting or spying on anyone else.. The major aspects of the build are still nothing but plans, but I think they are good plans and will make a fun bike.
hey larry, hopefully i'll be down sometime this week, depends on my work sch. will let ya know. oh yeah, nobody has said anything to me about not posting progreee pic. of my build, and anyways i don't have any either except the couple i have posted but thats all. and yep, i waiting to steal ideas from everybody but haven't seen any thing i like yet. soon as i do, man i am going to rush to my shop and start copying, yeah, thats what i am going to do. later larry. hey vintage, this guy doesn't need to steal ideas from anybody. maybe you need too. lol

Tell you what You cant steal my ideas.. Because I gave them all away... Thats right!! As soon as I had them I said, "Hey@!@! Bet you cant put air in those tires!" And WHAM!!!

nO oNE CAN sTeAL MY idEAS!! because THEY are free for the taKINg!!!!! Build them!!!! I DaRE you!! I live in the SHOW ME state!! So get CrackALacracKIN!!

O Hey Outlaw.... Anytime.... Im stuck at the shop everyday for as long as I can figure.... 8)
it's all good in the hood looks like a felt vintage iron fork. those look cool lowered and just whack the top part off. heck outlaw would whack it for u i bet. anyways cool bike i know ya got more up your sleeve so i will let ya jet back to building. and as for the air in the tires idea sensor has us all trumped with his elgin. NO air in dem tires :shock:
yo larry, will come down in the morn about 10 or earlyier. yep, i am bringing my wackin stick. gona wack that bike will call ya before i leave. this is all too funny. later

yeah, larry wouldn't show me nothing,hmmmm, whats with that. oh, i know, he didn't want me to whack thanks larry.

Man its a sad thing.... But the way its lookin the Lugi is not gonna make it to the judging... Ive been workin 100+ hour weeks and it looks like its going to continue till well into August. I really needed this work, with any luck by the end of summer I'll be out of the huge freakin hole that last winter/spring left me in... It is sad though.. I walk by the Lugi every day a dozen times and she is callin to me :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
dude, i am cryin for ya. but work comes first. then when ya get a chanch to build it again, ya can do what ya want. i'd like to see something very rad from ya to show em what ya can really do. oh yeah that would be very kool. later.

Oh man, if you work those kind of hours you really need to rest when you get home!! Hope everything works out for you, and I would be very surprised if there's not going to be a rrbbo5..! :)
i hear ya about digging out of holes we are still doing just that at the shop from last winter. that was brutal on us and we are still paying for it literally. best of luck and oh did you get the trophy?
karfer67 said:
i hear ya about digging out of holes we are still doing just that at the shop from last winter. that was brutal on us and we are still paying for it literally. best of luck and oh did you get the trophy?

I did get the trophy... Thanks man... its hanging on the wall in my shop :D
I wouldnt pick on your welds..... I'll just say I hung it up pretty high on the wall.... It looks great from 10 feet away :D :D :D

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