The War on PBS

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Sep 7, 2006
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just wondering if anyone else is watching the newest Ken Burns WW II documentery on PBS
I watched lastnights episode and it was truley amazing
I watched and thought it was great also. I never knew a German U-boat torpedoed a ship in New Yorks harbour!And also glad I was'nt on Guadacanal! L8 EM PS>cant wait for th second one!
I watched a bit of the Lancaster bombers tonight. Incredible footage. I've known this for a long time but man our fathers and grandfathers had huge Brass Ones. :D My Grandfather was in the pacific theater. He coded and decripted secret messages and thus was never in actual combat. My other Grandfather was in the European theater and was a grunt. He used to tell me about sneaking up on a Tiger Tank that was sitting idling with the hatch open. He climbed up and tossed in a grenade. True story or not I loved to hear him tell it. My Dad and Brother are Merchant Mariners and I was Commercial pilot a long time ago. Those occupations are stressful enough without being shot at. Marvel at your ancestor's courage folks. And thank every serviceman you come across whether active or not.

I had 4 uncles that served and my grandpa and another uncle where called up but didnt pass for health reasons......... they would have taken my grandpa even tho he had 11 children the reason he didnt go was because he was blind in one eye
my Grandfather fought at the Battle of the Bulge. He told me he was trained as a paratrooper, but the biggest jump he ever did was when something moved in the bushes next to him. :lol:

yes, i have been watching too...

havent been on here in days...

and i'm not getting anything done on my rrbbo bike :|

Great series...

It is a wonderful documentary...they way they tie in the happenings on the home front (in America) to the war effort.

It touches on subjects that are rarely covered in previous war the efforts of the Japanese American troops in the Italian campaign.

One remark in last nights show is something I have always wondered about...when the American G.I. spoke about the sound of the American heavies coming by the hundreds. I have seen both a (flying) B-17 and a Lancaster and, like any gearhead was blown away by the exhaust note of the 4 Wright Cyclones of the Fortress and the 4 Rolls Royce Merlin’s in the British heavy. It made me tremble. I just can't imagine what it would sound like to have 800 - 1000 planes in the air, which is something mankind will never experience again. Thankfully, I believe.

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