Those Suckers will Pay...

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Oct 15, 2007
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Grand Rapids, MI
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I was cruising on my bike on this beautiful day... I get this teal colored car honking its horn, while the passenger flips me off. Oh yes, you guys are real tough. There is no way I can catch you. It's pedal power vs. 200 horsepower. 30 mph vs. 110 mph. I cannot beat you guys, you win, good job. The best thing to do is laugh at your immaturity, in which I enjoy from your lack of intelligence.

Until I disassemble and hook my bike up with my 350 feet per second automatic air-soft rifle that attaches to my handlebars, 13 shots per second with a stream of .2g BB's enough to draw blood even after it impacts on one's jeans... enough power to make little dent marks all over your car body... especially the trunk. :wink:

Oh yes, you guys are real tough. 8)
The last time I cruised through Hanna Park (viewtopic.php?f=26&t=15030) it was great, riding in the wilderness and along the beach. Then I headed down the road back home. After lowering my blood pressure with that ride, a bunch of stupid teens in an old beat up car rode by yelling and flipping me off. I'll leave it to Karma to take care of those losers.
The other night the local neighborhood punks tried to take my bike while i was riding it! I hate all the little want to be thugs until someone stands up to them so they go home and cry and lie to get out of trouble because they are scared because their parents didnt raise them right kids in my neighborhood. When drug addicts raise kids the results are rarely positive. Trust me , i see it everyday in Gary The City of Dopefiends and Poverty. All parents reading this, please make sure you pay enough attention to your kids so they dont have to play gangster.These kids parents swear they are angels . They need to open their eyes and see what their angels are stealing or doing wrong.ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone who rides a bike long enough will get an idiot or 3. And some of those parents do think they are raising angels. I will do my best to raise mine the best way i can.
Once I was cruising with my club (about ten of us) and a passenger in a car threw a bottle which almost hit one of our female members. This pissed most of us off, but her boyfriend, who was riding with us, flipped into "I'm-going-to-****ing-destroy-you" mode. Unluckily for the driver there was a red light.

And later, a trip to the panelbeaters. 8)
Has happened to me a few times as well. I try to speed up the karma process a little.........I have a great memory for licence plates and a couple of friends in the police force :wink: .
LOL!!! I need to make some friends with the local police. but first have to work on that memory thing. what were we talking about anyway?
Last time a car drove by and flipped me and my friends off they got a bottle to the rear quarter panel. Glass bottles sure mess up brand new BMW paint! Of course we bailed the second they slammed on their brakes and started getting out, but we still got 'em!

From now on, whenever that happens the first thing I look for is something to throw before they get to far away.
just try some deep breaths...

When I was still living in Rochester, I was riding home for lunch one day, and I had a guy come within inches of me, the road merged, he sped up and nearly sideswiped me just to get in front of me at a narrow section of road. I was visibly upset, throwing my hands up in frustration, I could see him looking back in his rearview at me. He had to slow down right away anyway because someone ahead was turning left, so as I rode past him on the right side I yelled into his open window, "MORE ROOM PLEASE!"
After he broke free from his position in line behind the left-turner, he chased up next to me, real close, and started yelling back. I tried to explain (while riding next to him) that I need at least 3 feet for safety, it is state law. He sped in front of me, slammed on his brakes, and then pulled over up the road in front of me. It happened to be right in front of my house, so I stopped anyway to get off my bike and walk up to my house. He got out of his Audi with his pleated khaki slacks and golf shirt and stormed right up to me and got in my face.

“what’s the issue here?!”

“you’re too close to me, I need more room if you are going to pass me,”


“if you look up the traffic law, you’ll see that I have the right of way, and that you are required to yield or give me room,”

“WHAT YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?!” (he then tries to psych me out by pretending to headbutt me, or whatever you call that. I didn’t flinch).

“I am a vehicle on the road, I have the same rights as you.”

(he was saying something else, but around this point he decided to just spit in my face)

I was dumbfounded for a second. Did he actually just spit in my face?

“That’s really mature.”


At this point he was walking back to his car, obviously realizing that I was not going to back down and that I was not intimidated (I am a 5′10″ 220 pound viking, I don’t scare easily).

“Have a nice day sir, drive carefully”

And I walked towards my house. Just as I got to my door, I realized that I should have gotten his license number, but I was still too amazed that I had just had that encounter. He had peeled out and disappeared. The whole moment lasted about 30 seconds. I hope he realized that the couple seconds he might have saved by passing me ended up costing him an extra minute or so by stopping to try to pick a fight with me.

But anyway, point of the story is, He was the Jerk, and then I was the Jerk too, and I escalated the situation. I still kept my cool and didn't let him get me involved in a physical altercation, but at the same time, I could have just let him drive away without trying to "educate" him on traffic law (like he was very receptive to learning at that point anyway). Now I just pretend the cars aren't there. They blow by so fast around here that I barely even notice they're there, and if they yell something I barely catch a syllable of it before it's out of earshot. When I have close calls, I stare down the driver and let them know I am not happy, but I don't try to make it worse.

I like the idea of peppering the back of their car with projectiles. But we're better than that, right?
Just remember, if they're not actually trying to hit you it's illegal to shoot them. (that bottle incident mentioned earlier seems borderline to me :x :x ) I'm not advocating the avoidable use of lethal force here, but these jerks usually end up doing serious harm to some innocent person. You should do whatever is necessary to protect yourself and your loved ones.
One of the guys at work took his kids for a bike ride at a park and him and his brother in law were riding along. As they were leaving a bunch of teen agers were hanging out and asked about his brothers new dk general lee 24. After 2 minutes of talking one of them swings and tries stealing it. After a few punches were thrown my buddy pulled out his concealed carry and told them go home. Later that night the kids cried to there mom and told the police that they jumped them. Kids story fell through when the cops found it hard to believe that two men taking there kids, 3 girls and a boy for a bike ride would go out of there way to pull a gun on some kids for no reason.

When is was a kid riding my bike I had a car full of "gangbangers" roll up with a supersoaker full of rubbing alcohol and shoot me in the face, that felt great. Its ok though, I stole there chrome valve caps off there car the next weekend.
bring.doom said:
When is was a kid riding my bike I had a car full of "gangbangers" roll up with a supersoaker full of rubbing alcohol and shoot me in the face, that felt great. Its ok though, I stole there chrome valve caps off there car the next weekend.

Silly gangbangers, when will they ever learn.... I was thinking about the spitting incident, and although an altercation was avoided for the best, I dont think I would have let that idiot get away so easy, atleast without some bruises. But it was still the right thing to do, though but right.
Downtune said:
JoeyMac said:
[spitting incident]

Oh man, that story speaks volumes for your self-control. I would have gone ape.

When I was a young teenager, an Uncle, who was Australian Light-Middlweight Boxing Champion, trained me for a few years, and I also attained a Black Belt in Judo. In my late teens and up to about mid-twenties, I used to quite often excercise my abilities whenever I could :( . I can quite honestly say I never started a fight, but I never backed down from one either. Every incident I was involved in always ended badly, either with someone getting hurt, or me getting in trouble with the police. Fortunately, I was never charged.

Now at the age of 42 with a family, I would walk away from a confrontation at the first hint of any violence. As posted previously, and to quote Joe Cocker, "I get by with a little help from my friends".

Sometimes walking away can seem like the wrong thing to do, but it takes a bigger man to do so. Karma happens.
B607 said:
bean said:
and to quote Joe Cocker, "I get by with a little help from my friends".

...and I always thought that was from the Beatles. :? Gary

OK, it was late when I posted (in Aus), and I was tired (that's my story and I'm stickin' to it :oops: )

Joe sang it with more conviction though :shock: .
While I certainly appreciate the "idea" of kicking some butt and getting physical revenge I think you need to look at it from a different perspective. Specifically, the next person on a bike who deals with these losers.

I'm more of a roadie than anything else and while I have voiced my discontent in the past and will no doubt continue in certain circumstances I try to take a breath and deal with each situation as a mature adult. The guy with the spitting incident was right on the money (although to be honest I'm not sure I would have held back after he assaulted me like that)- explain the rules of the road calmly and politely. Maybe you'll educate someone (worked for me once), maybe not, but at least you aren't contributing to his negative attitude of bikes.

If you piss off the guy who is already a jerk and pissed off by bicycles it just leads to the next cyclist getting worse treatment. Maybe the next person gets a bottle to the head or worse...

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