I have seen this same topic come up several times and I am always amazed at the response. I would have done this or we threw stuff at his car or we drug him out and beat him up. If any of these are your reactions to someone comming close to you while riding a bike ,then it wont be long till you become a chalk outline on the pavement. Always testing your masculinity will soon get you shot by a young dummie with no reguards for life or the fact that he will spend some time in jail. In the real life its best to use the old rule ....If he didnt hit me let it go and go on enjoying your life. Making a point will eventually get you killed . It will come on the news as ...Guy riding bike gets into altercation with unknown assailant and is shot. No suspects in custody. If you do happen to have fulfilled your right to carry and shoot him then the story will come out...Man on bike shoots person in roadrage incident for getting too close in a vehicle. Even right you will make the news and your family will be affected ,plus you attorney expenses will be extreamly expensive. I dont know about anybody else but if I drive by you and you think I got too close and either throw something or shoot my car with anything ....better look out. I have been driving down a road with no shoulder and those road bikes are out in the street and its really hard to get by them. Especially when there are alot . The moral of the story is ride on and live another day. :wink: