Those Suckers will Pay...

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I have seen this same topic come up several times and I am always amazed at the response. I would have done this or we threw stuff at his car or we drug him out and beat him up. If any of these are your reactions to someone comming close to you while riding a bike ,then it wont be long till you become a chalk outline on the pavement. Always testing your masculinity will soon get you shot by a young dummie with no reguards for life or the fact that he will spend some time in jail. In the real life its best to use the old rule ....If he didnt hit me let it go and go on enjoying your life. Making a point will eventually get you killed . It will come on the news as ...Guy riding bike gets into altercation with unknown assailant and is shot. No suspects in custody. If you do happen to have fulfilled your right to carry and shoot him then the story will come out...Man on bike shoots person in roadrage incident for getting too close in a vehicle. Even right you will make the news and your family will be affected ,plus you attorney expenses will be extreamly expensive. I dont know about anybody else but if I drive by you and you think I got too close and either throw something or shoot my car with anything ....better look out. I have been driving down a road with no shoulder and those road bikes are out in the street and its really hard to get by them. Especially when there are alot . The moral of the story is ride on and live another day. :wink:
Agree w/Stretch 100%, 1st rule to winning an altercation is avoid being in one if possible. Bikes in the middle of the road 15' from a multi-million $ bike trail or service roads annoy me to no end. You have the right to use the road, not to obstruct it. When a bicycle was my only transportation, I always tried to avoid blocking traffic, even if it meant i had to stop and wait. Unfortunately, nothing will deter nut jobs getting their kicks being a drive-by ......., so just watch your back.
i hope at least that there are more of us and less of them out there. never had anything as dramatic happen like that, having enough to be aware of riding thru mountain lion teritory at 4am to go to work on this dark country road everyday. mostly for me its people doin gdouble takes or stopping to talk to me when they see me ride my 59' or anything old, and go off into that "i used to ride one just like that when i was a kid..." modes, and thats cool. as bad as it gets is maybe a few idiots making a comment from their car. i just remember to retain a certain degree of modesty and control as they could just as easy lose it and run my "butt" over.
Speaking of dumb comments from passer-bys, we were riding somewhere once and someone yelled out from a block of flats: 'Get a car!'.
Not to be outdone, one of our blokes twists around on the seat of his lowrider and shouts 'GET A HOUSE!'. :lol:

EDIT: Well I guess technically WE were passing by.
It's a tad hard to get a handgun over here, so until I find one, I suggest carrying a water pistol full of brake-fluid. Let the idiot say his peice, and as long as you know you're not in the wrong, quietly and discreetly squirt the offending vehicle when you catch them at the next set of lights. Does wonders to paint work. If it's hot day, eggs can be fun...
crackedpiston said:
It's a tad hard to get a handgun over here, so until I find one, I suggest carrying a water pistol full of brake-fluid. Let the idiot say his peice, and as long as you know you're not in the wrong, quietly and discreetly squirt the offending vehicle when you catch them at the next set of lights. Does wonders to paint work. If it's hot day, eggs can be fun...
Better be eggs, Here the rule is if someone comes out with something that looks like a gun you get to blast them and not really take the time to see if its a real gun or a water pistol. They sort all that out at the end. The best thing to do is act like you have a very low I Q . I found in 22 years people dont kill someone that is slow. Make a few grunting noises and a couple comments about your new shoes and most anybody will leave you alone thinking you already have enough problems...and they know that nobody would give you any money so you dont get robbed either. Sometimes picking your nose helps. Then when they leave you can laugh your safe butt off.
Got this idea from another cyclist and it works. When someone yells at you from a car yell back "I Love You!" Confuses them for sure...
Uncle Stretch said:
Better be eggs, Here the rule is if someone comes out with something that looks like a gun you get to blast them and not really take the time to see if its a real gun or a water pistol.

Someone in Australia at some point managed to rob a store with a brass hose fitting and get away with it. Nobody here has ever seen a pistol except in the holsters of the constabulary or on telly.
Good point Uncle Stretch, I guess over there you hafta be a tad more careful, to say the least. :shock: But I was thinking maybe more along the lines of a big fluorescent yellow and green Super Soaker mounted to the front bars, kind of like the fire fighting boats in New York harbour. It doesn't even need to be brake fluid. Let the creativity flow, and the offender will have fun spending the rest of the day playing "What's That Smell" :mrgreen: Okay, I'm silly.
But hey Downtune, I don't know about around your parts, but down here it seems handguns, except for the odd sawn-off or stolen Army weapons, are the weapon of choice for those pesky Mafia wannabes... It's amazing what some people will do to avoid working like a normal person... :roll:
I guess growing up in America is differant. My grandfather died when I was 11. He had a Colt 38 super automatic that I inherited. Kept it ever since. It never seemed strange to anybody in my family that I had it. I was brought up around guns and never even dreamed to grab my pistol and do anything silly with it. Guess it was differant times though. :roll:
I had a bottle whiz by my ear last summer, I wanted to kill those guys in the car. I'm not a young guy anymore and I don't enjoy fighting like I used to. I didn't even flip em the bird. I called the local police on my cell, gave a good description of the car and the kids inside and about 10 minutes later I saw the driver and one passenger sitting along side the road in handcuffs. Thats good enough for me. :wink:
mybike1 said:
I had a bottle whiz by my ear last summer, I wanted to kill those guys in the car. I'm not a young guy anymore and I don't enjoy fighting like I used to. I didn't even flip em the bird. I called the local police on my cell, gave a good description of the car and the kids inside and about 10 minutes later I saw the driver and one passenger sitting along side the road in handcuffs. Thats good enough for me. :wink:

Wow dude... that's pretty cool that they got busted. Idiots! :wink:
:x My wife and I were on a evening ride a few years ago when a car passed by and what sounded like rapid gunfire scared the holy sh,;' out of me. I turned to my wife and she was on the ground screeming of hip and leg pain I was in total pannic seeing what looked like blood all over her lower body then turned out to be red paintball none the less painfull. The funny thing or not so funny is I always ride on the outside so to protect her and did'nt get hit. We did'nt ride for awhile she needed time for the emotional scare to heal and to this day worries everytime I leave the house for a ride. I won't let an act of stupidity take my joy and if the next time someone yells or flips thier IQ at you keep that in mind.

Woa! These are awesome stories...I guess my days commin'...I live in a relativly small town and I've NEVER had anything like this happen to me....NOW I did it....Someone much wiser than me once said: "Discretion is the better part of valor"...
P.s. "What goes around, comes around"...
Just thought back to when I was like... ten years old, riding around my little town on a BMX, a Hilux full of dudes came alongside and a dude tried to lassoo me with a length of rope :shock:
Scarred my young mind. Bastards.

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