Time to stop POWER PARKING----Update new fork legs---

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Come out and ride with The Chicago TailDraggers!
Pro Member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Chicago IL.
Rating - 100%
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Well as most of you know I ride my bike to work everyday. I love to "Display or Power" park my bike in front of the Trader Joe's I work at.

Something like this...

I must admit I like the attention the bikes get when parked out front.

But looked what happened today...


Carzy thing is I was working on the register not 15 feet behind that window.
Was ringing a customer up bike was fine looked over 3 minutes later
The fork is all bent, someone must have backed right into it pulling out of there spot and maybe never even knew they squished my bike.

No one has yet apologize. None of us in the store saw anything.

Good news...
Was a free fork not the nice new one I just got from Double Nickle.
I don't think the frame or handlebars are bent.
More pics to come, after I pull the bike out of the mini van.
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

Crummy deal skip :eek: we know you can fix it, just hoping it was a mistake and not just an act of anger or vandalism. Got a knock-off chrome springer with your name on it if you need it though :wink:
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

Looks like you'll be parking the back wheel on the brick and locking to the end of the rack, it's still on display.
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

Man, that sucks. I hope the damage is limited to the fork. It doesn't look like that there's enough room on the other side of the racks to put the bike over there against the wall. Not sure how else you could've parked it with the space available...
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

Thanks guys!
CCR thanks for the offer! I will let you know.

My gut feeling is it was just a accident not intentional.
Can't tell from the pics but the parking lot is REAL TIGHT.

The person who did it might not even know they did.

Yeah I will find a way to still show them off.. Just more protected.

Looks like it is just the fork damaged.

Expjawa, maybe it's a food thing your Trader Joe's doesn't have a bike rack :wink:



Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

texasbigjon said:
skip, you can always replace the fork and wheel...but what they did to your handlebars cant be fixed! :p

Now that's Funny! :mrgreen: :lol:
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

John Kass did it...on purpose! He loves all you Chicago bikers so much. :p Gary
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

Ha ha I loved Bicycle cops, actually got stopped in my car by 2 for having the stereo too loud, yes I had subs and it was loud, I paid the ticket and didn't do it again. BUT I NEVER, EVER once stopped for bicycle cops when I was on a bicycle, or patrol cars when I was on bicycle, I went mad bomber and ditched them. In a city setting they have no chance, ok a chance but not so likely to get busted for no tax stamp!
Big brother is watching!
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

That stinks! It probably was an accident had that happen to my truck door once reported it to the cops as a hit and run they did nothing. I crused the area that it happend in looking for a vehicle that had my paint on it and was green their color found it that week..went to the door and explained what I thought happened the husband looked at their van and confirmed my guess. The wife had driven the van that nite with a load of kids and didn't even notice it was in the center of the door so no resistance to a backing stoping van. Their insurance covered it. Hope no frame damage to the bike.......handle bars... Well those will screw your back up :lol:
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

Skipton said:
Thanks guys!

Looks like it is just the fork damaged.

Expjawa, maybe it's a food thing your Trader Joe's doesn't have a bike rack :wink:

Perhaps. But there, the store front is removed a bit from the parking rows, seperated by a wide sidewalk and overhang. In your case, it looks like the store front is a lower level of a parking structure? At least the damage wasn't more extensive...
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

Need to ride this bike today.
My Schwinn is is all apart well the rear wheel gets a new hoop at the bike shop.

My other Monark has a broken frame. :shock:

And BlueX and BellowingYellow are not good snow bikes. :roll:

Got up early to swap forks from the other Monark.

Yep it's bent.

Looks like the frame, wheel, and the light are still straight.

Thanks guys for all the support.
Pics of bike to come.
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

expjawa said:
Skipton said:
Thanks guys!

Looks like it is just the fork damaged.

Expjawa, maybe it's a food thing your Trader Joe's doesn't have a bike rack :wink:

Perhaps. But there, the store front is removed a bit from the parking rows, seperated by a wide sidewalk and overhang. In your case, it looks like the store front is a lower level of a parking structure? At least the damage wasn't more extensive...

My store is in the craziest spot ever.

It's actually on the second floor in the middle of a parking structure.
Not a lot of extra space.
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

That sucks man. It doesn't look like its kinked though, maybe you can slowly pull it back?
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING

Sorry to hear it Skip! :shock: When I was up there I thought the parking was just a tad tight. Good luck with the fix and let me know if you need anything!
Re: Time to stop POWER PARKING


Good enough to make it to work, even put "normal bars" on. :wink:


Tucked in tight
