Re: The Groundhog (A.K.A. STEAMED RAT)
I'm thinking these might look good on a Steampunk Bike...
I'm thinking these might look good on a Steampunk Bike...

Dr. Tankenstein said:Steampunk GPS! Sweet!
Go, go, go....
Dr. T
Dr. Tankenstein said:Steampunk GPS! Sweet!
Go, go, go....
Dr. T
kingfish254 said:Where did you locate that vintage Garmin????
Joker-n-Jack said:kingfish254 said:Where did you locate that vintage Garmin????
LOL! Well, their headquarters is only a few minutes from where I work. A little known fact is that they actually have an extensive "Global Positioning Museum"...I know people that know people if you know what I mean...some of them specialize in...let's say..."acquisitions"...
Joker-n-Jack said:The grandbaby...IT'S A BOY!!!
kingfish254 said:Best use of a plate hanger goes to........
Cool light! Love the umbilical cords!!
I can't believe you found the original adjustable handlebar mount for that vintage Garmin!!!