Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Y'know, i don't want to sound like i'm complaining, but i think folks stopped caring about the feedback as much after the change in format a l'il while back. Really, I'm not complaining b/c the new site is a million times better, and losing feedback was a small trade-off for what is basically a much-improved forum. But i think that's what did it, b/c it put us all to "zero" and, for a little while, low feedback was totally meaningless. It means more now, but i think a lot of RRB'rs forgot about it.

In the end, I don't think we got much to worry about b/c I think we're mostly good & honest ppl who won't misrepresent anything and who will work hard to fix any mistakes. I don't do a whole lot of dealing here, but i've been buying/selling a bit on here for years now. I only got burnt once, and it was only for $40 (but yeah, it still stings, b/c $40 is a lot to pay for about $1's worth of scrap metal.) I never did bother to leave that WOL any negative feedback, mostly b/c we became embroiled in a lengthy PM run-around session, that ended with him turning nasty and accusatory. Ain't seen him around in a l'il while...

But yeah, 1 stinker out of several thousand users? That's not so bad....
That's why I love this site...awesome folks
Oh, congrats....100 positive ratings also means you have tons of projects and help fund lots more...who hoo!!!!!
Yes Sir " BARTO" ! and THANK YOU !, Hopefully This will help remind others to leave feed back
I"m Still surprised at how many arent even aware of our Feedback system...or just forget to use it...?

Rafael :thumbsup: to you. I think feedback is important, and use it here and eBay. Most transactions go smoothly, people are honest but feedback is that little extra "karma rating" that helps build confidence between buyer and seller. As an example, look at C/L, it's wide open for misrepresentation on almost every level. There is no feedback system, and who knows who is at the other end? Don't get me wrong, I've completed many transactions there and everyone has been great, but without feedback and an intermediary like paypal you have to be on the alert concerning scams and safety. Oh, sorry about that :soapbox:
Rafael :thumbsup: to you. I think feedback is important, and use it here and eBay. Most transactions go smoothly, people are honest but feedback is that little extra "karma rating" that helps build confidence between buyer and seller. As an example, look at C/L, it's wide open for misrepresentation on almost every level. There is no feedback system, and who knows who is at the other end? Don't get me wrong, I've completed many transactions there and everyone has been great, but without feedback and an intermediary like paypal you have to be on the alert concerning scams and safety. Oh, sorry about that :soapbox:

Yes , I think Feedback can be a important tool if we all used it , i'm still finding alot of folks don't even realize we have it !
