Trail Blazer... Completed (almost)

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Re: Trail Blazer... And so it begins (again)

:shock: :shock: :shock:
STUNNING all right!!!
Is not only looking amazing, you
have brought this bike from
total death to life again...
that priceless!
Well done!
Re: Trail Blazer... And so it begins (again)

Gdcast said:
:shock: :shock: :shock:
STUNNING all right!!!
Is not only looking amazing, you
have brought this bike from
total death to life again...
that priceless!
Well done!

Wow! Thank you for the kind words!

Re: Trail Blazer... And so it begins (again)

Yeah, Sorry about that. I've been preoccupied with life in general, I guess. I'm still making progress, just muddling through some of the tedious stuff. Here's a quick rundown of some of the more recent progress.

I bought a set of 36 hole Velocity Blunts(700c). These will be laced to a New Departure model D and WL (I think). To my surprise the rims turned out to be powder coated rather than anodized making it possible to just pinstripe them out of the box. So after taping them off I painted them to match the primary color (grey).

I also completed the Fenders and was able to locate vintage fender braces and a drop stand. The stand and braces need to be stripped and sanded and I haven't had the chance to get to those just yet.

I also finished up the toolbox. Not certain I like how it turned out. Might be a good candidate for refinishing but I'll wait until I see it on the completed bike before I make that judgement call. Might just need more appropriate lettering.

Other than that it's pretty much the same...


Thanks again for the complements!

Re: Trail Blazer... And so it begins (again)

I would say that the lettering looks out of place, but im a total font geek. If you need help coming up with something just let me know, Im really good with type. (I was a graphic designer before I was a barber)
Re: Trail Blazer... And so it begins (again)

skillsthebarber said:
I would say that the lettering looks out of place, but im a total font geek. If you need help coming up with something just let me know, Im really good with type. (I was a graphic designer before I was a barber)

Yeah, I agree. I think it was a poor choice of fonts not to mention the text itself. The typical "Flyer" motif would've been a better choice. What style of fonts would you suggest?

Since these are just diecut decals they'll be easy to replace. Here's what would've originally been on there...
Re: Trail Blazer... And so it begins (again)

I can't even think of words to say how cool that frame is. Amazing. Tim, don't forget about the Velodrome swap meet on Sunday. I got my Brooks saddle for my Mercury there last year. Brand new for just $60 bucks.
Re: Trail Blazer... And so it begins (again)

I'm digging the font but the tank needs a tye in color going with the black. Maybe a black pinstripe around the tank to breakup the grey and cream. :?:
Re: Trail Blazer... And so it begins (again)

I'm digging the font but the tank needs a tye in color going with the black. Maybe a black pinstripe around the tank to breakup the grey and cream. :?:

This is one of those weird things that I can't quite place what I don't like about it, I just don't. Makes fixing it difficult. However you bring up a couple of really good points. First that the Color is out of place. i agree with that and it'll be interesting to see how it looks in the context of the complete bike since the horn, rims, fender braces and drop stand will all be black. They might tie in together but look out of place by themselves.

The second point you make is also very good. That is the the cream panel might be too large by itself. It would be fairly easy to add an additional pinstripe and change the color of the lettering.

Great Ideas! It really helps to get other perspectives since as the builder you are too close to it the project to have objective opinions.


Re: Trail Blazer... And so it begins (again)

sandmangts said:
I can't even think of words to say how cool that frame is. Amazing. Tim, don't forget about the Velodrome swap meet on Sunday. I got my Brooks saddle for my Mercury there last year. Brand new for just $60 bucks.

Thanks again Aaron! I'll definitely be heading to the swap meet (much to my wife's agony :wink: ). We have a few neighborhood Halloween parties to attend for the kids so I may end up just running through it quickly (if that's possible). I'll tell you though, I have so much crap to unload, I should be getting a table! maybe next time.

Hope to see you there!

A little more progress...

Finally got the wheelset built. Rims are 36 hole Velocity Blunts (29er) with a rather crappy pinstriping job by yours truly. Hubset is a New departure Model D and WL in the rear and front respectively.

My plan is to finish these off with a pair of creme colored Electra Amsterdam tires. Soon... Soon...

I also put everthing together for a better perspective on the toolbox. Out of context, I don't like it. In the context of the greater build, it's actually starting to grow on me...


Re: A little more progress...

yewhi said:
Finally got the wheelset built. Rims are 36 hole Velocity Blunts (29er) with a rather crappy pinstriping job by yours truly. Hubset is a New departure Model D and WL in the rear and front respectively.

My plan is to finish these off with a pair of creme colored Electra Amsterdam tires. Soon... Soon...

I also put everthing together for a better perspective on the toolbox. Out of context, I don't like it. In the context of the greater build, it's actually starting to grow on me...


kewl 8)
Things to do on a rainy day in San Diego

Took some time to get things togther a bit more, Still waitining on the Saddle and cranks/chain ring




Re: Trail Blazer... And so it begins (again)

gowjobs said:
That thing is coming out beautifully. Have you considered a second striping color? A burnt orange, perhaps?

Thanks! Yeah, I've considered it (for a split second). To be honest, I'm too afraid that I'd screw it up to give it a shot. :oops:
Although the burnt orange idea is a color I hadn't considered I was going to be boring and just do it in black1

Thanks again!

Re: Trail Blazer... And so it begins (again)

I would have to say that is one handsome bike. I think your color selection was great. It all really works together on a level not seen very often.

I would potentially consider replacing the tank decal with "Flyer" Exactly the way it would have been, but I'm sure you will come up with an appropriate resolution as the rest of the bike is just stunning. Rim stripes and all.

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